Throughout our lives, we are a work in progress; we may need a bit of help during this journey. The Greek philosopher Socrates stated: ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ My interpretation of this is that, as humans, we don’t come with an instruction book. So it is up to each individual to try to make sense of our place in the world and how we relate to others and, by doing so, to live an honorable life.

We are a book whose chapters are being written every day of our lives, and it’s up to us to make sure that the entries are written by us in as honest a way as possible, so that when we look back on our lives, we can view the paths that led us to who we are today.
Counselling training gives us one of the greatest opportunities to be ourselves that we will ever encounter, and has facilitated change in almost everyone I trained with or have trained. I always remark to prospective learners that counselling courses should come with a health warning! "YOUR OLD-SELF MAY DIE"

Through years of facilitating process groups (also known as ‘personal development’ – or PD – groups), I have seen how ‘examining one’s life’ can alter individuals’ perceptions of themselves in a way they never thought possible. However, change is not always an easy road as it can lead to some difficult decisions, especially in affairs of the heart. In the diploma group I trained with, there were a lot of separations and divorces amongst my peers, as well as honest appraisals of relationships, leading to new and happier beginnings for both parties.
I also believe that the impact of client work has a profound effect; working with the human condition in all its forms gives a unique view into the inequalities of the world. One of the greatest lessons it has taught me is that life is rarely fair or equitable. This knowledge has been of great benefit to me as I can now view difficulties in my own life with both clarity and reality.
So, yes, training will change you; however, the person you are becoming is in your own hands, along with your destiny. It might also be worth remembering that friends and loved ones are not undertaking the same journey of personal development; thus, they may find it a bit of a challenge getting to know the ‘new’ you!
‘Are counsellors born? No, they are reborn !! it is rather a ‘rebirth’, leading some people to want to find a completion in their lives by helping others.