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Friday, March 23, 2018

Embryo Pose, Foetus Pose

When this Asana is demonstrated, it resembles the position of the child when it is in the womb. Hence this is called Garbhasana.


Sit as in Kukkutasana introduce both hands in the space between the thighs and calves. Bring out the elbows of the two hands. Catch hold of the right ear with the left hand and the left ear with right hand. You should perform the last stage of the Asana with great care. Because when you try to catch hold of the ears with the hands, you may fall down backwards. You will have no hands to support the body and you will be helpless. But by practice you can slowly balance the body on the buttocks. Remain in the Asana for 2 or 3 minutes. Repeat it few times.


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