Rajesh Panicker

Life Coach, Life skill trainer, CEO of YUP Training Solutions and SRK Trainers . Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) . Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK .

Rajesh Panicker

Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) .

YUP Training Solutions

Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.

Rajesh Panicker

Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK

Rajesh Panicker

Worked as Yoga Coach at SCMS Kochi, Worked in pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years (since 1997).

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Are you a Professional Physio ?

Date : September 2019 .
Venue : BCF College of Physiotherapy , Indo American Brain and Spine Centre , Chemmankari , Vaikom .

Refer How to answer toughest Interview Questions (Top 64 Interview Questions ) 



Sunday, September 1, 2019

For a stress-free life (Part 7)


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Read Previous (August) tips from here or from here.

September 1 - Tip NO : 183
  • Importance of knowing the purpose
    • Understand and Decide where we want to go before we start .
    • The common reason why we fail in our life is that we don't know what is the actual purpose of doing it...! 
    • So know our 'actual' purpose before we start doing something.
September 2 - Tip NO : 184
  • Over weight and Genetics
    • Some people claim there's no point trying to lose weight because "it runs in my family" or "it's in my genes".
    • While there are some rare genetic conditions that can cause over weight, there's no reason why most people cannot lose weight. 
    • It may be true that certain genetic traits inherited from your parents – such as having a large appetite – may make losing weight more difficult, but it certainly does not make it impossible. 
    • In many cases, obesity is more to do with environmental factors, such as poor eating habits learned during childhood. 
    • Proper food intake and exercise can help loose weight.
September 3 - Tip NO : 185
  • A strict diet plan 
    • A strict diet plan, optimum physical activities and exercises are very important to loose weight. But ,
    • If you don't have _iron willpower_, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.
September 4 - Tip NO : 186
  • Genetics
    • It is true that genetics predetermine the possibility of problems like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and some types of cancers. 
    • But people take it as an excuse for contacting the problem by living an unhealthy life. 
    • It's true that the genetics loads the gun but our lifestyle pulls the trigger...!
September 5 - Tip NO : 187
  • It is high time to re- think the old view that "you are your DNA" in favor of a much more dynamic model. 
  • In this new model, genes are pivotal in establishing some aspects of our health, but it is our current, ongoing lifestyle choices that play a central role in turning those genes on or off .
  • As strange as this might sound, you actually have the power to activate or silence your genes, and this discovery is called epigenetics .
September 6 - Tip NO : 188
  • Epigenetics refers to the fact that while our lifestyle choices won't modify the structure of our DNA, they do have the ability to modify the way our DNA works.
  • Where we live, who we interact with, how we exercise, which medications we take and especially what we eat cause changes inside our body that in turn switch our genes on or off. 
  • This can occur once in a lifetime or continuously over time, thereby influencing our chances of retaining or not retaining optimal cognitive fitness.
September 7 - Tip NO : 189
    • What all this boils down to is that your DNA is not your destiny after all.
    • We're back to where we started—genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger.
September 8 - Tip NO : 190
    • The science of epigenetics and new research may now indicate that cancer is only 10% hereditary and 90% influenced by our environment and its triggers.
September 9- Tip NO : 191
  • Lifestyle is medicine
September 10- Tip NO : 192
  • Being lean and controlling wight is more than fashion these days. 
  • An estimated 22 million children under five are overweight worldwide. 
  • The number of overweight children in the USA has doubled, and the number of overweight adolescents has trebled since 1980. 
  • It is an alarming situation. It is high time that we evaluate ourselves. If we are under risk understand more about overweight and take remedial measures.
September 11- Tip NO : 193
  • Investigating and solving the contributors to obesity is complex. 
    • Neurotransmitters (specialised chemicals in our body) are necessity for the food intake control system in our body to function 
    • Multiple levels of 'gut-brain' interaction results in appetite and feeding regulation through the release of these neurotransmitters. 
    • In people with overweight this system seems to be sluggish in it's function.
September 12- Tip NO : 194
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight .
    • Gut-brain connection works in all animals. 
    • But in human beings because of highly developed nervous system the influence of thoughts and emotions play major role in controlling the body and it's functions. (Simply saying, the influence of brain is stronger than gut ) 
    • In humans, higher centres can override physiological signals, leading to over consumption.
September 13- Tip NO : 195
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Higher centres overriding physiological signals as well as the inadequacy of mechanisms regulating body weight to cope with environment, together promote overconsumption of energy, and also discourage physical activity...!
September 14- Tip NO : 196
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Our generation is in a sort of dietary dilemma.
    • There is a very dramatic change to the way we eat than that of the past few generations.
    • Our relationship to food has changed.
    • It seems like majority of people on earth are not in need of food but in want of delicious food available across the world, round the clock....! 
September 15- Tip NO : 197
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • We need to take care to increase awareness to develop a healthier and more responsible relationship with our food 
    • Try to observe the food we eat as energy, and fuel for our body... but also, is a double sided sword...!
September 16- Tip NO : 198
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • A healthy diet is more than simply eating an apple a day.
    • When our ancestors were hunter-gatherers half of their caloric intake was from eating wild fruit and greens, with the rest of their diet was made up of wild animals. 
    • Then agriculture began to emerge. As a result, our diets became more homogeneous – consisting mostly of a few staple crops like rice and wheat. Some of our preloaded genes would have been affected. Then plentiful food materials started to get produced because of research and development in agriculture sector. People who could afford started overeating. 
    • But today over half of the world's countries, we're consuming higher quantities of unhealthy foods as well, such as sugary drinks, processed meats and products containing trans fats. 
    • As a result, we're seeing skyrocketing numbers of obesity- and diet-related diseases.
    • Today our diets are far from healthy.
September 17- Tip NO : 199
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Our bodies are not suited for drastic changes in our diets. 
    • It is be important to hold on to our food traditions. 
    • What really affects our health is the sudden, drastic changes to what we ate and the way we ate for many generations.
September 18- Tip NO : 200
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • What could have happened to us...? 
    • A few generations before, due to to the scarcity of food in the area at that time, the children born to those parents would've been genetically prepared to deal with hunger, which would have resulted in low body mass and high abdominal fat. 
    • Later food become more available and we didn't know how much is too much and when to stop eating.... Sadly, these factors would have left us more susceptible to type 2 diabetes and associated syndromes.
September 19- Tip NO : 201
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • The exact science to explain why our body reacts differently to different calories is not known.
    • Studies show that most people don't compensate by eating less when they drink more ( any drink other than water, sweetened carbonated beverages, juices or alcohol). 
    • This means we're feeding our bodies more calories and more sugar. 
    • (Note: All these information are for you to evaluate yourself) .
September 20- Tip NO : 202
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • A growing dietary concern is that, as people around the world earn more income, they're eating more processed foods....!
September 21- Tip NO : 203
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Eating has become a lot less social these days. 
    • Sitting down together for a meal has long been a social activity that strengthens bonds and synchronizes a community. Instead, people around the world are eating more meals alone, either at their desk or on the go.
September 22- Tip NO : 204
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Food trends have indirect effect globally, and producers cash in through deception.
    • Between 2004 and 2008, the US market for pomegranate juice experienced a boom. In that time, Americans went from drinking the equivalent of 75 million eight-ounce servings to 450 million servings. 
    • This was another health-oriented trend, with the juice marketed as having special antioxidant properties. But in 2008, some products were making an even more questionable claim, as three-quarters of the beverages being sold were supposedly 100 percent pomegranate. 
    • According to Chris Elliott, a professor at Queen's University Belfast, it would have been impossible for this much pure pomegranate juice to arrive on supermarket shelves so speedily since it takes eight years for a newly planted tree to bear fruit. Simply put, all the pomegranate trees in the world couldn't have provided enough juice to meet the demands in 2008. 
    • Now you think about the gingerly oil and cholesterol free pure sunflower oil sold in India at very less prices?
    • How much Oli from seeds of one sunflower? 
    • Don't believe all the advertisement you see.. and use your common sense before you buy and consume...!
September 23- Tip NO : 205
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 

  • Dining out and shopping in supermarkets can lead to unhealthy food choices. Wonder why !
  • Part of the problem is that we tend to eat with a more carefree attitude when we dine out, which means more calories and more sugar. 
  • Of course, restaurants are well aware that ingredients like sugar and fat appeal to our taste buds, so they don't hesitate to apply these ingredients liberally.. 
  • The fear of disapproving look from our neighbours and known shopkeepers kept us from loading up our shopping bag with sugary, unhealthy items. 
  • As supermarkets come with a sense of anonymity unlike the olden days neighborhood shops, the chances of we going for unnecessary purchases had drastically gone up.
September 24- Tip NO : 206
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
  • While dining out has its entertainment value, a lifestyle of constantly dining out not only takes a toll on your wallet, it can also cost you valuable nutrition. 
  • Even if supermarkets give the impression of abundance for all, many of us still have very limited choices because of the increasing prices.
September 25- Tip NO : 207
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • There is an abundance of evidence linking fast food with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and heart disease. 
(According to a 2010 study by Columbia University economist Janet Currie, obesity rates in school children can be expected to go up by 5.2 percent if a fast-food restaurant opens up within 0.1-mile radius of their school) 
  • So let's decide to cut down fast food ...

September 26- Tip NO : 208
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight
    • When it comes to our food choices, we've reached 'option overload'. So what?
    • We all agree that having some choice is better than having no choice at all. 
    • But when it comes to decision making, is it better to have only some choice than having a massive amount of choice? 
    • According to psychologist Barry Schwartz, there is a phenomenon known as the paradox of choice, and it essentially means that we tend to be less happy when faced with too many options. 
    • This may be true in the case of our food habits too.. 
    • We eat too much but are we happy?
September 27- Tip NO : 209
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • When it comes to choosing a right diet, one solution is to cut down the quantity of meat we eat or set specific restrictions, such as practicing vegetarianism.
September 28- Tip NO : 210
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 

    • Reduce your portion sizes by using old plates. 
    • You may not have noticed, but the size of modern dinner plates is significantly bigger than it was just a few generations ago...!
September 29- Tip NO : 211
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Make at Least Half Your Plate Veggies.
    • Vegetables have lots of filling water and fiber, but not a lot of calories . 
    • By replacing half the starch or protein of your meal with non-starchy vegetables, you can eat the same volume of food and still slash overall calories.
September 30- Tip NO : 212
  • Understanding the contributors to overweight 
    • Adding hot peppers to our food may help you eat less.
    • A compound in hot peppers called capsaicin can actually help reduce appetite and hunger. 
    • In one study, participants who consumed spicy red pepper as part of an appetizer ate 190 fewer calories during a subsequent lunch and snack than those who skipped the spice. 
    • If hot peppers can't be eaten, ginger may also have a similar effect...!
From October 1st (Tip NO : 213) onwards , Click here