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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

You can't scare a virus, but you can scrap an ordinary life

"You can't scare a virus, but you can scrap an ordinary life”

Covid19 lockout is hell lot of a trouble in our busy lives. So is the cocoon stage for the busy eating lives of every caterpillar worm. It's inevitable. Then every caterpillar which leads the life of an ordinary worm goes into the stage of inactive pupae inside the cocoons. But they are not inactive as they look like. The most important changes are happening in their lives. What comes out of it is transformed versions of crawling worms, beautiful butterflies. Each worm goes through difficult changes to reach it's best version. We are also inside the cocoon of Covid19 lockout. Now the choice is ours. We can come out of it as dead worms or beautiful butterflies.

The difference lies in identifying the opportunity and utilizing the time effectively to achieve the desired results. We also should identify the areas in our lives, be it improving our knowledge, skills, language, lifestyle or where ever we have to change and become better. If we can do that with a positive attitude and implement every decision we make, the day after the lockout will be ours for no doubt. Let's hope for the best and do our level best.