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Friday, June 14, 2019

Shield - Self Defence and Cyber Safety

This program is designed to empower young students to face challenges head-on.

Today's life is tied to our mobile phones.It has become a part of our existence,it is impossible to think of a day with out mobile phone.

At the same time it brings with it many troubles, unless we use it responsibly.There are hundreds of traps and troubles waiting in the tiny device.

SHIELD is a program in which we will be training children to be careful in the physical & cyber world.

Today children are not safe when they are out of the house.There are predators every where as drunkards ,drug addicts and cyber criminals looking for innocent victims.

Our children need to be protected.

We train them to defend them selves in SHIELD

Date: May 2019
Fees : Rs 1500.
Venue: POC Palarivatom, Cochin
Time: 10am to 5 pm.
Contact : SRK Trainers Inc,.


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