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- Peace 31 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Many of us, when we commit mistakes, are reluctant to apologise. But we repeatedly think about it and develop guilty feeling. Ultimately compromise on peace of mind.
- Apologize for a mistake.
- Do not retrograde.
- Then choose to forgive ourselves.
August 2 - Tip NO : 153
- Peace 32 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- If you have denied forgiveness to someone who hurt you, there is all possibilities that later it will steal your peacefulness.
- Actually we forgive others, not for them, but for ourselves.
- So today call someone you've denied forgiveness and tell them that you forgive them.
- You will find peace...
August 3 - Tip NO : 154
- Peace 33 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- When we feel that our peacefulness is getting affected, let's go for a walk.
- But this time a mindful walk noticing all minute details like the feel of our feet touching the ground, the breeze, the movement of our body muscles, etc...
We will find peace...
August 4 - Tip NO : 155
- Peace 34 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Art is a great tool to help us find inner peace.
- For example when we feel emotionally exhausted let's grab some crayons, markers, or paint and put all our feelings on the page.
- So engage in a little art therapy so we will find peace again...
August 5 - Tip NO : 156
- Peace 35 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Most of us, especially when we feel we missed peacefulness, will find that we do not live in our body. Instead we live in our head.
- Let's play our favorite song, stand up and dance to it. Focus only on the music and the movement.
- Let's get into our body and get out of our head!
August 6 - Tip NO : 157
- Peace 36 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Focus on your purpose to serve someone else, not for money—just because. For example helping them pursue their passion, or motivating them to reach their fitness goals or career goals.
August 7 - Tip NO : 158
- Peace 37 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Declutter a cluttered part of your home, creating a more peaceful space.
August 8 - Tip NO : 159
- Peace 38 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Alternate nostril breathing is good for balancing right and left brain as well as for developing a peaceful mind.
- Hold the left nostril down and inhale through the right; then hold the breath for a few seconds. Release the left nostril, hold the right one down, and exhale through the left. Now start on the left with an inhalation, exhaling on the right. This is one set. Do up to five or ten of them.
August 9 - Tip NO : 160
- Peace 39 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Taking 100 deep breaths with slow exhalations will help us to feel better and peaceful.
- Say and visualize "Inhale" in our mind while inhaling and count number one, two, etc while exhaling. Continue till hundred.
- Peace 40 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Another art therapy to bring back peaceful feeling is to create a peace collage. You can include images that make you feel relaxed and at ease.
August 11 - Tip NO : 162
- Peace 41 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- We always look for change and perfection in others.
- Instead focus on what we appreciate about the people in our life instead of wishing they would change.
- This will help us improve our peacefulness.
August 12 - Tip NO : 163
- Peace 42 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- I am sure that there will be a few books which we might have purchased for finding some self help, but we haven't read.
- Now is the time .
- Start reading that book which will deal with the challenge we've been facing .
- That will help us ...
August 13 - Tip NO : 164
- Peace 43 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- I know it may sound a bit difficult, but it is possible.
- Bring in compassion for someone who hurt us, instead of indulge in bringing in bitterness, which will make it easier to forgive them and set ourself free.
- That will help us ...
August 14 - Tip NO : 165
- Peace 44 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of mind
- Holding back our emotion is like we are becoming our own worst enemy.
- Let's be our best friend. And be truthful to ourselves. Then we will not hold back our emotions.
- But equally be kind enough to others when we express our feelings
- It takes some practice. Try it ...
August 15 - Tip NO : 166
- Peace 45 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Be aware of critical, blaming, or self-victimizing thoughts.
- Instead of getting sad and depressed on what someone else did wrong, express yourself and ask yourself what you can do to create the change you're seeking.
- Because only you can change your world..
August 16 - Tip NO : 167
- Peace 46 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Helping others will help us calm our mind.
- Put all our energy into helping someone else, and we, without our knowledge, will help ourself.
- Let's volunteer our time to help a charity we believe in.
August 17 - Tip NO : 168
- Peace 47 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Do something kind for someone else without expecting anything in return.
- If they ask what they can do for us, tell them to "pay it forward".
August 18 - Tip NO : 169
- Peace 48 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Instead of thinking repeatedly on how we wish we were different, understand ourselves and create a list of things we love about ourself.
August 19 - Tip NO : 170
- Peace 49 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Have we ever enjoyed our own company!?
- Find a time when we don't have to attend other people.
- Now do something to enrich our mind and spirit.
- So today itself, let's schedule a date with ourself
- For example treat ourself in our favorite restaurant or go to a park or garden and simply enjoy our own company.
August 20 - Tip NO : 171
- Peace 50 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Do we ever talk to ourselves?
- Can we be our own best friend?
- Tell ourself what's on our mind.
- Give ourself the advice we would give a good friend who had the same challenging issues.
August 21 - Tip NO : 172
- Peace 51 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- When we lose our peacefulness, we seldom enjoy with those we love.
- Have fun with someone we love.
- Forget about everything that feels like a problem
- Do something silly and childlike.
August 22 - Tip NO : 173
- Peace 52 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Though it may sound so simple, it's a powerful tool... but when put it into practice...!
- Repeat some positive affirmations that help you feel empowered, strong, peaceful and present.
August 23 - Tip NO : 174
- Peace 53 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Use our passion to help someone else.
- For example if you're an aspiring web designer, design a website for a friend.
- We enjoy doing something we love; someone else gets support they need.
August 24 - Tip NO : 175
- Peace 54 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Observe animals and birds around you. They live naturally at present, and it's contagious!
August 25 - Tip NO : 176
- Peace 55 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Take a long walk alone, on the beach. Focusing on two things,...
- The feel of the sand between your toes and .
- The sound of the crashing waves....
August 26 - Tip NO : 177
- Peace 56 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Simple seated meditation can help us by giving unbelievable results in finding the peace inside.
- Take five to ten minutes regularly for simple seated meditation.
August 27 - Tip NO : 178
- Peace 57 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Often we judge ourselves in our head thinking what we should have or shouldn't have.
- If we can replace these thoughts with "Yes, I will try always to do my best, and whatever I did was my best at that time... and I am getting better every day" we will be more contented .
- Develop a growth mindset.
August 28 - Tip NO : 179
- Peace 58 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Volunteer at a nearby old age home or a special School.
- Fill our heart with love and kindness.
August 29 - Tip NO : 180
- Peace 59 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Mind the mind-body connection.. food affects your mind and body.
- Feed your body with nutrients.
- Show your body how important your health is to you.
- So eat clean.
- Stop eating junk food.
August 30 - Tip NO : 181
- Peace 60 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Ask for help .Let someone into your self-care routine.May be a Life coach..
- Life Coaching can help you to find the new you in you.
- The more peaceful version of you.
August 31 - Tip NO : 182
- Peace 61 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
- Take five to ten minutes for stretching, syncing your breath with the movements.(Find a good coach and spare some time for a yoga class).
- Yoga can help you improve your peace of mind.
Read from September 1st (Tip NO : 183) onwards , Click here