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Friday, July 19, 2019

Inner Peace – One’s Birth right

Read more about Inner peace from  here

Inner Peace – One’s Birth right

          It's high time we think about this aspect of ourselves, the inner peace, but it seems that there is big confusions in understanding what it is.

Most of us don't want inner peace, because we think that it’s a quality of saints or godly people and we are not capable of achieving it, as we are active and alive. We think it might make us passive and take all the fun from our life. We are afraid of it. So consciously and unconsciously we prefer our mind to be active and restless, not calm.

That means we lack  understanding of what inner peace is and how it would improve our life in many ways.

So, what is Inner Peace?

          Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a deliberate state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious, and is considered to be a state where our mind performs at an optimal level with a positive outcome. Peace of mind is thus generally associated with bliss, happiness and contentment – Defines Wikipedia
We need to understand this term. It is not absence of stressors. It’s a state of being physically and emotionally balanced. Inner peace is not a state of passivity, and certainly does not make life dull. On the contrary, it makes you more alert, alive and happy. It helps you live life more lively.

We over think and overanalyse most situations in our life. This leads to a turbid state of mind. It means jumping from one thought to another, constantly worried about some past incident, of how you were hurt and what people said or did. These unwanted thoughts feed on our valuable life energy. Inner peace means no waste of time, energy and attention on unimportant and meaningless thoughts.

The Mind Is Like a Useless and Turbid Pond

            Suppose you are a fish living in a discarded and turbid pond. There is no good water and enough oxygen, and you can hardly live in that pond.

After living in this pond for some time, you get used to it, no matter how uncomfortable and unpleasant it is. You might dislike it sometimes, but you do nothing to escape from your pond.

This is the state of your mind. It is crammed with thoughts, fears, worries, and endless thinking. There is no room for new, different thoughts. It is in a state of tension and stress, always jumping from one thought to another, like a monkey jumping from one branch to another.

Imagine that one day you decide to jump to another neighbouring clean pond.

You take every energy you need to take, jumping and escaping. Now the new pond seems different, very clean and without suffocating turbidity.

How do you feel now, when you are in your new pond? Isn't there an exhilarating feeling of joy? There is a lot of fresh water, you can swim freely and see everything clearly, life is easy!

Suddenly, you realize that you live in a clean pond, and this gives you a great feeling of joy and power. You realize that you were living in a limited and crammed environment. Now, there is more air, more space, and you can move and swim freely in the new pond.

This affects your whole life, because it gives you a feeling of freedom and more control over your life.

Did you lose anything of importance in this process? No, you lost absolutely nothing. But you gained a lot.

It is the same with your mind. When you clean the waters of thoughts, fears and worries, your mind will be free, and you will enjoy inner peace. It would not be turbid with unnecessary thoughts and junk, which limit you and make your life terrible.

You will then be able to think more clearly and be more focused.

You will be born again.

Inner Peace Appears when You clear Your Mind

           Inner peace is like a clean and spacious pond, devoid of turbidity, wastes and waves.

After you clear your mind of unnecessary and negative thoughts, it will be filled with happiness and light, and therefore, there wouldn't be anything to disturb your moods, behaviour and reactions. You will experience inner peace and a sense of freedom.

Do you know realize what is inner peace and how important it is?

         When you remove all the unnecessary and useless stuff from your mind you become more alive, because the negative and meaningless thoughts are gone, and you see and experience everything more clearly, like you never did before. It is like taking away a curtain that distorts what you see.

If you are interested in how to achieve inner peace or if you need guidance and advice for bringing inner peace into your life, you might like to fix an appointment with us, please contact +91 9446607585 .

Read more about Inner peace from  here


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