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Monday, July 1, 2019

For a stress-free life (Part 5)


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Read Previous (June) tips from here or from here

    July 1 - Tip NO : 121
    • Yoga of wisdom 31- Stress burster breathing technique
    Benefits  - Mindful breathing benefits
    • The researchers explain that their findings help to explain why breathing-centered practices report to give increased focus and have healthier-looking brains. 
    • The findings may be useful for treating people with attention deficit disorder, but also for healthy seniors who wish to keep their mind agile well into old age.
    • Brains typically lose mass as they age, but less so in the brains of long-term mindful breathing practitioners. More 'youthful' brains have a reduced risk of dementia and mindfulness breathing techniques actually strengthen brain networks. 
    • Research offers one possible reason for this — using our breath to control one of the brain's natural chemical messengers, noradrenaline, which in the right 'dose' helps the brain grow new connections between cells.
    July 2 - Tip NO : 122
    • Relax and be stress free 1 - Progressive Muscle Relaxation 
    In this simple technique, you breathe in as you tense a muscle group and breathe out as you release it. Progressive muscle relaxation helps you relax physically and mentally. It's a very good stress buster practice.
    • Lie comfortably on the mat. 
    • Take a few deep breaths for general relaxation. 
    • Now breathe in. Tense the muscles of your feet. 
    • Breathe out. Release the tension in your feet. 
    • Breathe in. Tense your calf muscles. 
    • Breathe out. Release the tension in your calves 
    • Similarly Work your way up your body for each part and muscle group 
    • Tense each muscle group, release and relax. This includes your legs, belly, chest, fingers, arms, shoulders, neck, and face. 
    For best results, visualise each and every action while you perform it.

    July 3 - Tip NO : 123
    • Peace 2 - What is peace of mind? 
      • Its a state of mind with no worries, fears or stress, which may trouble us inside. 
      • Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness. 
      • In this state, the mind is quiet, and we experience a sense of happiness and freedom. 
    Such moments are not so rare!
      • We know it because we have experienced it in past, many times in our life. Especially when we were engaged in some kind of an absorbing or interesting activity. Right?
    July 4 - Tip NO : 124
    • Peace 3 - We search for peace out side. 
      • Because some activities take away the mind from its usual thoughts, worries and constant thinking, replacing the turbid state of mind. Then you experience inner peace.
      • Usually, this state lasts for only a while, but we enjoy it while it lasts. 
      • The truth is that we experienced it because it is inside our mind itself.
    July 5 - Tip NO : 125

    Peace 4 - Which are the activities in which you would have experienced peace of mind? 
      • When you are in the company of someone you love! 
      • Relaxing on the sand at the beach! 
      • Watching your favourite movie or TV program! 
      • Reading a book you love the most and being absorbed in it! 
      • When you are deep asleep! 
      • On a most enjoyable vacation, away from your work and day-to-day-life! 
    All these are examples of activities where you might have experienced Inner peace .

    July 6 - Tip NO : 126
    • Peace 5 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • One of the main reason for lack of inner peace is negative thoughts. 
      • Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people. You don't want their thoughts and words to sink into your subconscious mind and affect your moods and state of mind. 
    "An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."

    July 7 - Tip NO : 127
    • Peace 6 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
    Learn to focus your mind.
      • Meditation is the best method to do it. When you can focus your mind, you can more easily reject negative thoughts, worries and anxieties. Focus will help you to reduce the constant chatter of your mind. 
      • Meditation, even just a few minutes a day will make a difference in your life. You will become more peaceful, relaxed and happy.
    July 8 - Tip NO : 128
    • Peace 7 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Social media, most of the news are negative. More over most of the time there is no use knowing those news and you can not do anything about them. 
      • So minimize the time you spend on reading newspapers or watching the news on TV.
      • Why should you upset your mind thinking about them and feel anxious and stressed?
    July 9 - Tip NO : 129
    • Peace 8 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Don't hold grudges. 
      • Learn to forgive and forget. 
      • We normally think that we forgive for the sake of others, though may be our dear and near ones. But actually we are (we should be) doing it for ourselves. 
      • Keeping and nurturing ill feelings and grievances poison our systems. It hurts us. It causes lack of sleep and steals our valuable inner peace. 
    July 10 - Tip NO : 130
    • Peace 9 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Being Jealous can often can steal our peace of mind. 
      • It's natural and human to be jealous of other people. 
      • Jealousy comes out of ignorance about oneself. 
      • Jealousy means that you have low self-esteem, and therefore, consider yourself inferior to other people. 
      • So be aware of your uniqueness and stop being jealous of other people.
    July 11 - Tip NO : 131
    • Peace 10 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind 
      • Every day, we face numerous inconveniences, irritations and situations that are beyond our control. If we can change them, that's fine, but this is not always possible. We must learn to put up with such things and accept them cheerfully. 
      • A great quality for one to cultivate peace is to accept what cannot be changed.
      • This saves a lot of time, energy and worries.
    July 12 - Tip NO : 132
    • Peace 11 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Don't dwell on the past.
      • Another challenge we face is that we are not ready to forgo the emotional burden of our past experiences. We won't be able to leap ahead in our lives with the weight of this burden on our shoulders. Though the emotions of your past experiences are your own and are so precious to you, try to shed them. The past is not here anymore, so why think about it? Let bygones be gone. 
      • Forget the past and focus on the present moment. 
      • Lit a light rather than complaining about the darkness. 
      • Think about now and act at present. There is no need to evoke unpleasant memories and get immersed in them. 
      • Then peace is on your way.
    July 13 - Tip NO : 133
    • Peace 12 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Sometimes we don't know why we are unhappy and impatient with others who do not cause any harm to us. 
      • This may be psychological problem termed, displacement. 
      • Displacement is an unconscious defense mechanism. It takes an emotion from one situation and drop it into another, shifting displeasure away from ourselves and the person causing the stress to a less threatening target(sometimes our family members and friends) 
      • Evaluate the situation and understand the reality. 
    So, for peace of mind...

    Learn to be more patient and tolerant with family, friends, co-workers, employees, and everyone else.

    July 14 - Tip NO : 134
    • Peace 13 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • A major reason for us to feel bad is that we take everything very personally (sometimes it's criticism or somebody's emotional outburst towards us) 
      • Don't take everything too personally. On many occasions, it would be useful to inject a certain measure of detachment and non involvement. 
      • This would bring into your life more peace, harmony and common sense 

    A certain degree of emotional and mental detachment is very helpful to cultivate inner peace.

    July 15 - Tip NO : 135
    • Peace 14 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Consciously try to stop the nonstop inner chat.
      • Learn how to calm down the nonstop chatter of our mind, slow down its restlessness, and make it more peaceful and calm. 
      • The natural tendency of the mind is to be restless and constantly think. It jumps from one thought to another, never standing still. 
      • Stop the endless stream of thoughts and worries that run in our mind. 
    July 16 - Tip NO : 136
    • Peace 15 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Many times we react without thinking. This can create hurt feeling in relationships. And can drain the peace of mind for everyone in that relationship. 
      • Pay attention to our behavior and try to act and react with calmness, whether at work, at home, in relationships or anywhere else. 
      • Gradually, we will enjoy more inner peace and inner balance in our everyday life. 
    July 17 - Tip NO : 137
    • Peace 16 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • When someone else makes decisions for us we may get dependant, irritated or unhappy.
      • Exercise often, for our will power and decision making ability.
      • This strengthens us and gives us control over our mind. 
      • Ultimately helping us to find peacefulness.
    July 18 - Tip NO : 138
    • Peace 17 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Develop tolerance, patience, tact and consideration for others .
    July 19 - Tip NO : 139
    • Peace 18 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Aim for spiritual growth. Find out we are all universally connected energies. Nobody is alone. We have everything we need. Just find out.
    July 20 - Tip NO : 140
    • Peace 19 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Don't be afraid of being peaceful.
      • Some people think that, being peaceful means you should turn face from all worldly matters. 
      • Inner peace has nothing to do with being inert or detached from everything. 
      • An important step towards inner peace is to stop being afraid of it.
      • So start searching for it..
    July 21 - Tip NO : 141
    • Peace 20 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind 
      • We tend to start our days with the easiest things we have in our list for the day, keeping the toughest things for later. 
      • This incomplete task will take away our peace of mind. 
      • Do the most annoying task first thing in the morning, and enjoy increased productivity and peace of mind for the rest of the day.
    July 22 - Tip NO : 142
    • Peace 21 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Work-life Integration is very important to ensure Inner peace.
      • Before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. 
      • Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. 
      • Whatever burdens that you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.
    July 23 - Tip NO : 143
    • Peace 22 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Let go of and forget those things, we don't control.
      • We make plans to go for a live show with friends. But at the last minute, it starts raining. And the authorities postponed it. How will we react? 
      • Some of us will become angry and upset and, and will find the nearest person and start complaining to them. 
      • "It's not FAIR that it's raining. This _always_ happens to me!…" 
      • That's not going to accomplish anything – the rain won't stop just because we gave a fight. The rain doesn't care.
    So make the best of the situation.
      • What we do in such situation is to go for a quick walk outside, rain is an awesome experience. Or just lie in bed reading a good book, listening to the rain splashing on our window. Or just don't do anything, but relax. 
      • Make the most of what we do control, and don't worry about what we don't.
    July 24 - Tip NO : 144
    • Peace 23 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Another reason for us to forget peace is that we break our head thinking about what others are thinking of us. 
      • Don't worry about what others are thinking of us – most likely they're too busy wondering what others are thinking of them.
    July 25 - Tip NO : 145
    • Peace 24 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Next technique is to get instant relief from tension. Though it sounds silly and very simple at the time of stress it will work wonders. 
      • Just walk to a window, look outside, and then take a single long deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world.
      • This technique can instantaneously increase your peace of mind.
    July 26 - Tip NO : 146
    • Peace 25 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Zoom out and see a wholistic picture.
      • Some times we get upset with even very silly matters. When facing what looks like a big issue ask ourself :
        • Does someone on the planet have it worse than me right now?
        • Will this matter in 5 years?
    These questions help us to zoom out and realize that things may not be that bad and that we can handle them.

    July 27 - Tip NO : 147
    • Peace 26 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Be 10 minutes early.
      • It's a small habit. 
      • Travel time is a stressful time for us, if we are not punctual. 
      • Make it a habit to reach everywhere before time to feel relaxed and recharged.
    July 28 - Tip NO : 148
    • Peace 27 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Everyday set aside some time to actively enjoy the good things about the present instead of scheming to create a better future.
    July 29- Tip NO : 149
    • Peace 28 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • It's a very effective method. Write down everything that's weighing you down mentally and then burn it as a form of letting go.
    July 30- Tip NO : 150
    • Peace 29 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • Sometimes we do not respond to certain unacceptable actions or comments of some people. The guilty feeling of failure to respond properly may slowly eat on our peace of mind .
      • Tell someone how their actions affected you instead of holding it in and building bitterness or hard feelings.
    July 31- Tip NO : 151
    • Peace 30 - Some suggestions for attaining Peace of Mind
      • When you undergo tough situation in life, write down everything you've learned from that difficult experience so you can see it as something useful and empowering instead of something to stress you out. 
      • This definitely will reduce the emotional burden and will provide peace of mind .

    From August 1st (Tip NO : 152) onwards , Click here


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