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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Shanthi Asana (Supine Relaxation pose)

  • Shanthi Asana (Supine Relaxation pose)
Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 15 .

    • In this asana the entire body gets relaxed in such a way that even one forgets the body itself. The mind also experiences a rest with awareness. So it is good for both physical and mental relaxation. 
    • With regular and long practice, the (relaxation) will be easier,  faster and will  become deeper and deeper. (then you will feel  it is very natural and spontaneous)
      • Lie on your back on the ground with hands and feet a little apart. Gently close your eyes. Slightly stretch the body and allow the whole body to relax completely . Become aware of different parts of the body gradually relaxing, starting from toes to head  
      • Slowly inhale and let your abdomen relax and bulge Then slowly exhale allowing your abdomen sink inside. 
      • Keep your breath awareness  Continue for at least 10 breathing and this can also be extended up to 10 minutes or more as per the need or time availability.
      • Read more from here
Shanthi Asana

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