- Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)
Taken from
For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 29 .
How To Do It?
- Sit on the floor as in dandasana, legs stretched in front of you. Make sure that your buttocks are resting on the floor. Now fold your legs from the knee outwardly and bring it near to either side of your thighs. Rest the upper side of the stretched feet on the floor on either side of you near the buttocks, as shown in the pic.
Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) |
- Beginners can kneel on the floor and slowly and gently lower your body such that your buttocks are resting on your heels and your thighs are on your calf muscles.
- Keep hands on your knees, and sit with your head and back straight.
- Close your eyes to focus on your breathing and to calm your mind. Try to sit as long as comfortable & increase the time
- Precautions and contraindications .
- It is best to avoid this asana if you have a spinal / knee problem or have undergone a knee surgery recently.
- Those suffering from any ailments should practice this pose under the guidance of a yoga coach.
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