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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ardhachakrasana ( Half wheel pose)

Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 2) , Tip NO : 50 .
This asana is considered to be the opposite posture ( viparithaasana ) of padahasthasana . Every asana should be followed by its viparithasana for reaping maximum benefits from the practice. 
It is recommended that backbends be practiced gently, only moving deeper as the body and mind are ready.
  • Start by standing in tadasana hands by the side of your body . Keep your feet at a comfortable distance apart.
  • Now half inhale and support your low back with both your hands, palm upwards, with fingers close together. Try to keep your elbows close to each other, strong enough and in position to support your back. 
  • Now full inhale and bend backwards slowly and comfortably. Try to bend your neck backwards to look at the floor slowly and to the extent possible for you.  
  • Maintain the pose for a few seconds to a couple of minutes, with normal breathing.  Finally come back to starting posture with exhalation. 
  • Read more from here

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