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Friday, April 19, 2019

Padahastasana (Hand to toe pose or Head to knee pose)

Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 2) , Tip NO : 43 .
  • Padahastasana  is a standing forward fold and one of the basic postures in yoga.
    • This is a slightly difficult pose and needs regular practice. It is not advised to practice this asana if you are suffering from health problems like, slip disc, ulcers, cardiac issues, or hypertension.
  • Read more from here
      Follow these steps carefully for performing the Hand to Foot Pose:
  • Step 1: First of all, stand straight on the yoga mat, both hands loose at the sides.
  • Step 2: Now, slowly  lift your hands straight up above the head
  • Step 3: Exhale and push your buttocks back while bending forward slowly at the waist. Keep your back and upper torso as straight as possible.  Keep bending until your hands touch the ground by the either side  of your feet. Advanced practitioners make sure that your chin touches your knees properly in the final pose.
  • Step 4: Once you are comfortably bent, try to breath normally and maintain the pose for a few seconds to  few minutes
  • Step 5: Now gradually inhale, take your hands off the ground and slowly come back to tadasana by unbending from the hips. Re-lengthen your front torso.

Read more Articles from here


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