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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Udhitha Trikonasa ( Extended Triangle pose)

Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 2) , Tip NO : 36 .

This is a standing posture.
How to do this asana step by step
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  • Stand facing the long side of your mat with your feet about one-leg distance apart. Turn your right foot so the outer edge of your foot is parallel with the long edge of your mat . Align your heels on the same line.
  • Inhale and reach your arms up at the height of your shoulders, in line with your legs. Tuck your lower tummy in. Exhale and bend from your right hip. Reach your right waist long over your right leg, as you bring your right arm down, placing your hand either on the right leg, or on the floor behind right foot.
  • Point the left arm straight up to the ceiling, hand in line with your shoulder, palm facing forward. Elongate the left side of the upper body. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Look straight ahead, or tuck the chin slightly and turn to look up towards your left hand.
  • Keep your face relaxed and breath gently as you keep pressing through the feet and rotating your ribcage.  Press your right hand on the floor as you reach your left arm up and revolve your gaze up towards your left hand. Maintain the posture for few minutes.
  • To come back inhale and strengthen your back foot to rise up gently.  Press your right foot further on to the floor and come back to standing straight. Bring your both hands parallel to the ground at shoulder level, as you breath in and come up.
  • Repeat on the other side.

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