Rajesh Panicker

Life Coach, Life skill trainer, CEO of YUP Training Solutions and SRK Trainers . Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) . Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK .

Rajesh Panicker

Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) .

YUP Training Solutions

Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.

Rajesh Panicker

Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK

Rajesh Panicker

Worked as Yoga Coach at SCMS Kochi, Worked in pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years (since 1997).

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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Life Management Session at Govt. College Kottayam ( Nov 2021)


Batch: ~80 volunteers of Govt. College Kottayam NSS Unit No 015
Session: 150 min on-line @ Google meet

Despite the fact that stress has adverse effects on our life, we still deny admitting that this could be a mental disorder. Leading a stressful life hinders our efficiency and lessens our ability to live a healthy and happy life. Being stressed, you may fall sick more often, can feel grumpy and even irritated too.
Our hectic schedules and a number of responsibilities have greatly contributed to this condition and it is important to know the ways that could alleviate stressful conditions. So, here I explain, a few ways that should be followed for a stress-free life...

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Life Management Sessions at RATTC Vyttila ( Nov 2021)


Batch: Ministerial Staff @ RATTC (Regional Agricultural Technology Training Centre) Vyttila
Session: Full day off-line @ RATTC Cochin Campus

The Ayush ministry found out in a survey that changing lifestyle and spending long hours on computers are resulting in work-related stress among employees in every department. The Ayush ministry sent a letter to all the ministries asking them to encourage employees to take 'yoga break', according to Livehindustan. A 'yoga break' was first implemented on a pilot basis in January 2020 in six major metro cities. Improving their awareness, taking some time off and performing some simple exercises will rejuvenate the employees and boost their productivity. This orientation program on changing the employee perspective and short routines were aimed at reducing work-related stress and make the employees feel fresh.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

ചപ്പാത്തിക്കെന്താ കറി ...?(Chappatthikkenthaa curry...?) -- Communication Problem

Watch this !!!
A man feared his wife wasn’t hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid. Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family Doctor to discuss the problem. The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the Doctor a better idea about her hearing loss...

Idea & Script: Rajesh Panicker

Camera: Mayan Vaidar Shah

Editing: Gurukripa Aluva

Direction: Viswam Panambukad

Acted & created by 16th Batch Students of Santhwana Institute Of Counselling And Psychotherapy under the guidance of Fr. Dr. Varghese Pudussery CMI, Ph.D.

Tone Setting/Adaptability & Life Management Sessions at RATTC Vyttila ( October 2021)

 Batch: Agricultural Assistants

@ RATTC (Regional Agricultural Technology Training Centre) Vyttila

Venue : On-line (Zoom)

Topic : Day 1 :- Tone Setting & Adaptability

Topic : Day 2 :-  Life Management : Manage yourself to Manage stress.

Date : OCT 2021.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Office Etiquette & Life Management Sessions at RATTC Vyttila ( October 2021)

Batch: Agricultural Officers 

@ RATTC (Regional Agricultural Technology Training Centre) Vyttila

Venue : On-line (Google Meet)

Topic : Day 1 :- Office Etiquette

Topic : Day 2 :-  Life Management : Manage yourself to Manage stress.

Date : OCT 2021.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Curriculum Vitae – How to prepare your CV?

How to prepare your CV?

C V Opens Doors for Employment. So, effective CV Writing is vary important
            Length: As long as it takes
            Content: Area-specific listing of education and academic background, skills and interests
Curriculum Vitae (or CV) (Latin origin) Means “the course of one’s life”
What is the purpose of a CV?
        • To inform the employer about your education, work experience, skills and interests
        • To ‘sell’ these qualities and to persuade the employer to invite you to interview
It’s all about you CVs are an opportunity to show an employer why you are an ideal candidate for the job. A good CV will:
          •Stand out from the crowd.
          • Draw attention to your relevant skills, experience, achievements and potential.
          • Create such an impression on the employer that they will not be able to turn you down for interview.

Everyone has potential. Everyone has more skills than they think they do. Everyone can write a good CV
        • Use a standard font size in.
        • Include recent and relevant work experience (paid or voluntary).
        • Be consistent in your layout.
        • List your skills and achievements and back up with evidence.
        • Keep it short (maximum 2 pages).
        • Use positive action verbs such as “organized, delivered, accomplished, achieved”.
        • Include a statement about your career aspirations and what you have to offer the employer.
        • Be honest but positive (negatives can always be turned into positives).
        • Proof-read for spelling, punctuation, grammar and meaning.
        • Get someone to check it for you.
        • Do it in a rush.
        • Leave gaps in employment.
        • Lie.
        • Include irrelevant personal details such as marital status.
        • Simply write a list of duties under work experience (remember you are selling yourself!).
        • Use flashy or large font.

There is no single way to write a CV. It is your document and can be structured and presented as you wish within a basic framework. The important thing to remember is that this is the first impression an employer will have of you. It is your marketing brochure through which you are trying to sell yourself. 5 Tips for a better CV preparation: -

    • Clear – well organized and logical

    • Concise – relevant and necessary

    • Complete – includes everything you need

    • Consistent – don’t mix styles or fonts

    • Current – Up-to-date

What should be on a CV?
    • Start with contact information
        – Full name
        – Permanent mailing address
        – E-mail address that won’t expire
        – Phone numbers

    • Education

    • Honors and Awards

    • Professional Experience (employment)

    • Publications and presentations

    • Extracurricular and volunteer experience
Other sections for a CV
    • Certifications and licensure
    • Professional affiliations
    • Professional activities
    • Research
    • Added qualifications
Proving your ability, there are four main things employers will look at in CVs:
    • Education - ability to think clearly, analyze and assess information, draw conclusions, work independently, research
    • Work experience - ability to get on with people, work under pressure, meet deadlines
    • Leisure interests - ability to plan and organize, co-operate with others, compete, lead, work hard to achieve results
    • Specific skills – e.g., driving license, computer skills, foreign languages, artistic skills
Tips on Education section
    • Most current schooling first (include your current educational work)
    • Only include diploma distinctions
    • Get the school’s names correct!
    • Degrees/certifications are what is important – not time spent
    • List Thesis/Dissertation titles
Tips on Honors and Awards Section
    • List most recent first
    • Honors/Award Title – then date received
    • Go back to undergrad but not before. – Only academic or professional
    • Scholarship count
Tips on Professional Experience Section
    • Includes anything you were paid to do or was extensive and regular volunteer work
    • Only list items relevant to academic work
    • List most recent first
    • If listing research, include the lab and director/principle investigator
Work Experience
    • There is no need to list every job you’ve ever had – detail the most relevant
    • Don’t just list your duties – sell your skills. Which skills are relevant to the position/company you are applying to?
    • Dates, name of company, position and skills
Tips on Extracurricular and Volunteer Experience Section
    • List most recent first
    • This tends to be a long list – careful!
    • It is better to have long-term items or very relevant items instead of EVERYTHING
    • Student organizations go here
Tips for Professional Section Affiliations
    •Only those current
    •Most current first
    •Include all dates of affiliation
    •Note any leadership positions Activities
    •Past and present
    •Most current first
    •Only those specific to academic/research
    •Should be school or university sponsored
    •Include your role
Tips for Research Section
    • List most current first
    • Make sure you indicate others you worked with
    • Include grant funds if obtained
    • Briefly describe here
Publications and Presentations Section
    • Two options for listing – Most recent – Order of publication
    • Always bold your name in authorship
    • Include submitted and/or pending publications or presentations
    • Presentations may be large or small but pertinent enough to talk about
    • Have copies of your pubs and/or presentation for the life of your CV
Added Qualifications Section
    •Should be verifiable
    •Include language fluency
    •Cultural knowledge – maybe. Especially if you have had hands-on experience 
    •Anything else special
What examples can you give from your work experience? If you have no paid work experience, give examples from voluntary work or from your course matching up your CV with the position/company
It is not ‘one size fits all’, you need to tailor your CV to each position you apply for. Research the company. Do they have a mission statement or core values? What will they be looking for in you? Who works there at the moment? What are they passionate about?
Presentation of your CV
    • The first visual impression of your CV is important
    • For standard CVs, use plain white A4 paper
    • Do not double side
    • Keep your CV to two sides of paper
    • Check your spelling
    • Use bullet points and bold font but in moderation
    • Formatting – make sure it’s consistent
    • Size 10-12 font (depending on font style)
    • Clear font e.g. Arial, Calibri
    • Focus on accomplishments
    • Target your CV to that job/company
    • 2:1, not Two One or 2,1
    • Use short, concise sentences
    • Consider your audience
    • Ideally, one academic and your manager
    • Ask permission from your reference and let them know what position(s) you’ve applied for
    • Use relevant references if possible
    • You can say ‘references available on request’ rather than including contact details if you wish
Covering letters
    • Never send a ‘naked’ CV
    • There are two types of covering letters: • Speculative/accompanying letter or Letter of application
Speculative/Accompanying letter
    • Should be three short paragraphs
    • Opening paragraph – why you are writing
    • Paragraph 2 – show knowledge of employer, highlight your skills
    • Paragraph 3 – Refer to your CV and availability
Letter of application
    • Used when asked to ‘apply in writing’ or ‘send CV and cover letter’
    • 1 side of A4 – similar to a personal statement
    • Followed by background skills and experience developed through study, work experience and paid work
    • ‘Matching up’ with job description
    • What you can offer the employer
Where to find jobs

    • Use your contacts from your work experience/course/friends
    • Use social networking sites such as LinkedIn, upload a portfolio of your work onto it
    • Attend events, keep business cards and keep in contact

Internet sources

Alternative Routes

  •     Postgraduate Study
  •     Masters/PhD
  •     Self-employment/Freelance

Professional Physio SEP 2021

If you aspire to become a professional physiotherapist you must strive hard for it. Choice of course, college and career are your decision. All you need to remember is your interest area not only in the subject but also in the job profile. If you have successfully acquired the relevant degree, then the rest is left to you to become a professional.

Physiotherapists in India are paid well. The initial pay scale of as compared to other healthcare industry jobs is comparatively more. With the changing health conditions and lifestyle of the people, the requirements of physiotherapists have increased and this increment will continue in the near future. Therefore, the number of employment opportunities are more for the new therapists. It is a job that can be done anywhere and the professionals need not necessarily be associated with an organisation or institution. You have a scope of starting your own practice and can open your clinic on your terms and conditions. As a physiotherapist, you get the chance to interact a number of people of different stream and genre which in a way will help you to gain more knowledge not only of your field but also of different fields.

The job of a physiotherapist demands time and attention. As a physiotherapist, you will have to spend ample amount of time with your patients in order to understand their problems. Time for your personal work will definitely be hampered by this. In order to be a physiotherapist, you too need to be fit and fine with no physical ailments and problems. You will have to work hard on your physique also, which can be troublesome for some. Physiotherapists must most importantly be a good communicator. If you are an introvert or are not comfortable in commuting with people then this job is not meant for you. You need to have a lot of patience with the patients. Sometimes you may lose control but this will affect your professional life. Physiotherapists need to be very attentive while dealing with patients suffering from multiple or sensitive diseases or problems.

Here in this “campus to corporate” program, we are discussing on how to prepare yourself for job hunting, interview, salary negotiation and how you can fine tune yourself as a professional with values and ethics


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*Vote of thanks

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Do you want to reduce weight, reduce your stress

Do you want to reduce weight, reduce your stress !!!

Overweight and emotional eating 

It is a myth that overweight of people suffering from uncontrolled stress is only a result of lack of willpower to control their habitual or emotional eating. 

The problem is not lack of will power. We should feel taste, enjoyment and feeling of satisfaction in our brain to stop eating. But when one is stressed, her/his feedback mechanism is not working. And when they actually eat more they are not getting a feeling of eating enough. Or simply we are not fully present to the food and aware of its taste. Brain likely thinks it didn't eat or eat enough. It asks for more and we give in. 

Mood and food 

Our brain is always on. It takes care of every function in our body. It works hard 24/7, even while we sleep. So brain requires constant supply of premium fuel. But that fuel comes from what we eat. So what we eat affects our brain function, our thoughts and ultimately our mood. 

Eating high quality foods that contain lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress. But if we ingest more junk food and refined or processed foods, it badly affects the brain and other organ system. 

So please note, modern science too says that there are many consequences and correlations between what we eat, how we feel and how we ultimately behave. 

Foods we eat make us feel good 

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which is feel good hormone in our body. It regulate sleep, appetite, mood and inhibits pain. But 95% of this hormone is produced not in the brain but in out gastrointestinal tract! The functions of neurons producing this hormones in the gut is influenced by billions of good bacteria in the intestinal microbiome. So a clean diet is very essential for the growth of these good bacteria and normal functioning of our body. If we follow unhealthy food and food habits that de-promote the growth of these good bacteria and will lead to the growth of bad bacteria and industrial  dysbiosis. It leads to less production of serotonin, more inflammation, less absorption of nutrients and altered industrial wall permeability and absorption of toxins produced by bad bacteria. This ultimately can affect our liver leading to multiple problems.

Here the solution is an optimum nutrition and "satwik" food

If we can "go clean" following a balanced plant diet, we will not believe how much better we can feel both physically and emotionally

Our most important digestive enzyme - "happiness" 

Classic fight or flight response is the only thing you can expect when you experience stress. That's why people report heartburn, gas and digestive upset when they are struck. Digestion is the last thing our body will attend to when  our  engines are in fight or flight mode. That's  the way our body's safety systems have evolved over  millions of years. 

Our digestive system shuts down when stress response system is activated. All our body's energy is focused onto survival from the threat. 

So if we don't eat happily and in a relaxed mood our digestion and assimilation will not happen properly. Ultimately it will result in overeating, symptoms of in digestion, malnutrition and ill health. Happy mindful food habits can convert illness to Wellness. 

Reduce weight, reduce your stress

Stress can make us put on weight. If stress can do that then relaxation should take it off too, right? Yes, this is how it will...

Common reasons of psychological stress responses are fear, anxiety, anger, judgement, negative attitude and negative self talk. When we are stressed we produce more cortisol and insulin which induce the weight storage mechanism of the body by storage of carbohydrates and fats in cells instead of providing energy and building muscles. This also will reduce our calorie burning capacity. No matter how much best weight loss diet in the world we follow, we will get the opposite result. Smile, breath more deeply, we enter the relaxation zone boosting our calorie burning mechanism and reduce our weight. 

If we adopt stressful weight loss strategies- impossible to follow diet plan, overly intensive exercise, tasteless food an extremely low calorie meal plan,  all of these can create stress chemistry that ensures the weight to stay put. 

Clean diet alone will not help us. If we can practice mindful eating being present to the food, enjoying its taste and the nourishment our body is getting, we will stop overeating and our weight will come down.

So relax and lose weight. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

The psychological problem of "always feeling cheated"

                        Why do I always think my partner is cheating on me? 

'You'  only can answer this question as usually people believe that when they have the feeling it is because of signs. You feel like 'your gut' is always telling you this truth. But if there is no solid evidence then be careful as your paranoia, lack of trust and insecurities can destroy relationships and state of mind. Why does it happen?

You can be jealous, and it is a natural instinct when you are heads over heels in love with someone. Might be your instincts telling you something. When you have something really great, it's easy to get caught up in your head imagining it not being there anymore. Due to some incident which has occupied in the subconscious mind may lead you to think, your partner is cheating on you. If your partner has not given you a reason to distrust him/her then this insecurity feeling is coming directly from inside of your mind.

Maybe something similar has happened in a previous relationship and this is an insecurity that has stuck with you over time. Yes, history is said to be a good teacher, and when you were repeatedly betrayed, you tend to "learn" that the people you love will eventually either leave or prove not to be deserving of your trust.

A lot of  concerns regarding an unfaithful spouse, if there are no real indications or clear red flags that they could be cheating, stem from own insecurities. You create your own demons in your relationships; you feel poorly about yourself, push those insecurities onto your significant other, and almost convince them that they were too good for you and bound to find someone better, if they hadn't already. If couldn't see the beauty and amazing traits about yourself that your soulmate is attracted to, so you will have nothing in your brain to convince you that you are worthy of a faithful partner. 

It can be a trust issue.  It may be because you do not trust and love your partner, but not ready to take the blame on you. Maybe you've been hurt before in the past by a significant other being disloyal, which you are trying to impose on your present relationship. Because you've had bad experience of someone breaking your trust and tiny little happenings are triggering something in your mind that makes your brain match whatever is happening right now what you have experience with. 

You feel that your partner isn't showing you as much attention as he/she used to, as your irritating character becomes your nature which push him/her away. Attachment issues and fear of being abandoned are very common fears, especially if one has been hurt in such ways in the past. Although one logically knows that they are wrong (unless evidence says otherwise), the nagging feeling often persists, and causes the individual distress. It's essentially what I would call a "conflict between your mind and your heart".

Or maybe it's just because you're really stressed out and everything seems to turn against you, even within your love life. Maybe because you have cheated and think your partner will do the same. Not everyone is the same. Love and trust go together and when feel doubts and insecurities and you don't have any solid to prove your doubts then you need to look at yourself and see why you are thinking or feeling this way.

Or maybe you love your partner so much that you can't bear to think how your life without him/her might be, so you're constantly worrying that something is going to go wrong and ruin the perfect fairytale you have panned out in your mind? It's natural, but if your partner is making an effort to be loyal, make sure you recognize it as this will help put your fears to rest as well. Give it a thought :)

Sometimes it very hard to understand what is going on. The brain is a strange part of our body. It is always thinking harder than it actually should and can come up with some very far fetched situations. Sometimes we look for problems in other people when we ourselves are feeling lost. Find more information within yourself as to why you feel this way.

Realise that you are not alone. You will be better if you are realistic in acknowledging the possibility that it could happen but that could be exhausting as a constant thought. Invest all these waisted energy into something productive for building the relationship. If you would like to talk with him about your fears, please try to remain open and optimistic about his/her answers. Explain that this is a fear and not an accusation(You too always remember that while talking).

Find ways to install your trust back. Don't try installing software to track him/her, instead confront him/her, but don't accuse him/her of anything it will make him/her defensive. Start of by saying "I haven't seen you that much at home, is everything alright" "Is there something you need to tell me".

Honesty is the key -- Get out of your prejudiced mind and have a good, long conversation with your partner about how you feel. But it should not end up as a heated argument as you may use the opportunity to express your righteousness. You can definitely change your thinking and lead a happy , calmer and peaceful life if you stop OVER THINKING. 

You may be facing the psychological problem of NLD (Non-verbal Learning Disorder). You may feel cheated because you may feel many people still refuse to understand you. Other problems also will pop up because that's the nature of NLD. NLD isn't one or even ten learning disorders but many. No matter how "fine" you seems there will always be an unknown hill to navigate. That's one reason anxiety is usually concurrent with NLD. Depression is common. So are other neurological and "emotional" problems. Just trying to deal with NLD can cause "emotional/mental" problems.

Always remember that NLD can affect everything from spatial, organizational, executive functioning, social and cognitive problems. Most people don't have every problem. There is no definitive criteria for diagnosing NLD but a substantial difference between verbal and performance IQ is often the standard.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find out your inner strength. The bothersome feelings can often however, be alleviated by means of therapeutic techniques such as CBT, and behavioral techniques such as meditation. If one believes their issue to be pathological, then it is best to go see a psychologist or physician, as only health care practitioners are qualified to issue diagnoses and offer treatments.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Do not learn from your mistakes !!!


Don't repeat the same mistakes again

As the saying goes, you should learn from your mistakes. Really? We don't want to make mistakes again, right? That's why they say we should learn from our mistakes. It depends on our perception. It can be a risky business as sometimes our mind can play games and the learned lessons can really be misleading too. Moreover often we twist reality according to our belief system so that it looks like we didn't make a mistake at all. Because by default we don't like to feel bad. Thus if you fail, even to recognize that you have made one, then from where will you learn? When we do something our brain creates a memory pathway. That's a natural way of conditioning, a type of learning. But we didn't learn those lessons purposefully.

The neural pathways created while doing something, right or wrong builds our habits. Its obvious as we can see many examples in our life and lives of people around us. This is true in the case of repeatedly  making mistakes and trying to learn lessons too. The very process of scanning the past mistakes again and again for learning that lesson can be really dangerous. Especially when we are not sure about our expertise in learning lesson properly.  Why we keep making the same mistakes is that we slip by default back into the existing memory pathways. Yes, our brain do learn from making mistakes, … they learn how to make them

Solution is that we stop trying to learn from past mistakes. Remembering them will encourage us to get guided by the previous neural pathway. Instead think about what we want to achieve and view it from a fresh angle. Learn right, right now.

Develop a better, new perspective!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Why fight in marriage? - A password to avoid fight !!!

A password to avoid fight !!!

It is completely normal and healthy for couples to have small fights frequently in a relationship. It is not the number of fights but how you fight is important, like fight that involve criticism, contempt, name-calling or yelling,  are lethal for the relationship

As per Transactional Analysis, all living beings live for positive strokes. We do everything in our life for being happy, yes; of course including marriage, as in the case of building any other relationship. In marriage, you can see that during the initial phase of relationship all are very happy, like they have conquered the world. Every couple thinks that it's their partner who can understand them better than anybody in this world. Clarity of vision is there regarding each other. They can clearly see what is going on in their partner's mind, their feelings in their heart. They compete to make each other happy. They are ready to forgive and forget the mistakes of each other (though later they will claim it as their "broad-mindedness" while they fight). 

But as time goes, because of challenges in the life, and social interactions, the complexity and lack of communication; negativity accumulates and clarity is lost. The relationships gets spoilt and an overall toxicity sets in. Mind is more easily influenced by the negative advices of toxic people, unconsciously creating an impression in the thought pattern.  Fight is always because of ego and deprivation of reciprocal trust. Lack of trust will lead to fear.  In intimate relationships disconnection occurs when the anxiety or fear in one causes the friction and then creates a sense of inadequacy in the other. 

Sex and money are the most “important” things couples get mad at each other. But less important things such as sexual jealousy, hating each other's friends, dealing with each other's family, and discussing children, social life, etc., are factors that cause the most conflict. 

What is the solution? As the solution for pollution is dilution, you have to dilute the toxicity in relationship with the help of positive thoughts and practical tips. 

  1. Love and compassion are very essential for the relationship to last for ever. 
  2. One’s shortcomings should be given less attention and trust should be given more importance. 
  3. Develop patience.
  4. Never insult and do not degrade
  5. Accept. 
  6. Stop digging into the past pain
  7. And stop  demanding. 

If you and your pain are important, then where is the importance of your soulmate and the relationship? Learn to forgive if you really love your life partner. There is a password to login to your most beautiful relationship...

….the password is "I CARE"

Please  comment and share if you liked it:-

Thursday, May 13, 2021

How to plank properly: Step-by-Step

A plank is a simple, effective bodyweight exercise that requires no equipment and can be performed just about anywhere. It's a perfect precursor to more challenging arm balances. 

Steps to perform Plank pose:-

1. Lie down on your stomach. Hands by the side of your body. 
2. Bring your hands towards your shoulders, keeping your palms on the ground. Ground toes into the mat 
3. Now inhale first and as you exhale, push your body up forming a straight line. The arms are perpendicular to the ground and shoulders are right over your wrists. Keep body stiff 
4. Neutralize your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Your head should be in line with your back. 
5. Hold the pose for 20 seconds and continue breathing. As you get more comfortable with the move, hold your plank for as long as possible without compromising your form or breath 
6. As you inhale, come back to starting position and relax

Watch the video for a better idea on how to perform a standard or high plank.

Please watch, Like and Share.. And don't forget to Practice yourself 👍

Sunday, May 9, 2021

എന്താണ്, എന്തിനാണ് യോഗം ?

എന്താണ്, എന്തിനാണ്  യോഗം ? (Improved - Repost)

യോഗം , ശരിയായ മനനത്തിൽ നിന്നും തിരിച്ചറിവിൽനിന്നും ഉരുത്തിരിഞ്ഞ, സന്തുലിതമായ  ജീവിത രീതി ആണ്. സമചിത്തതയോടെ സ്വമനസ്സാലുള്ള സ്വയം നിയന്ത്രണമാണ് യോഗത്തിന്റെ മുഖമുദ്ര.
മനുഷ്യനും മറ്റ് എല്ലാ ജീവജാലങ്ങളെയും പോലെ പ്രകൃതിയെ ആശ്രയിച്ചു ജീവിക്കുന്നു.  എല്ലാ ജീവജാലങ്ങളും പ്രകൃതിനിയമങ്ങൾ കൃത്യമായി 
 പാലിക്കുന്നു. അവ ഇന്നിൽ, ഈ നിമിഷത്തിൽ ജീവിക്കുന്നു. സന്തോഷം അവയുടെ അടിസ്ഥാന സ്വഭാവമാണ് . ഇന്നലെകളോ നാളെകളോ അവയെ അലട്ടുന്നില്ല. അവയുടെ ജീവിതം വളരെ ലളിതമാണ് . മനുഷ്യനും അടിസ്ഥാനപരമായി അതിലൊന്നുതന്നെ അല്ലെ?

മനുഷ്യൻ ബൗദ്ധികമായി ഏറെ പരിണാമം സിദ്ധിച്ചവൻ. തന്റെ പോരായ്മകളെ ഏറെ ബുദ്ധിശക്തികൊണ്ടു നിയന്ത്രിച്ചവൻ. പക്ഷേ അവൻ പലപ്പോഴും   പ്രകൃതിയെ കീഴടക്കിയെന്നു ചിന്തിച്ചു മൂഢസ്വർഗ്ഗത്തിൽ വിരാചിക്കുന്നു. ബുദ്ധി അവന്റെ ശക്തിയാണെങ്കിലും ഭൂത ഭാവി ചിന്തകളും അമിതാഭിലാഷങ്ങളും അവൻറെ സ്വൈര്യം കെടുത്തുന്നു. ഇന്നിൽ ഈ നിമിഷത്തിൽ ജീവിക്കുവാൻ അവൻ മറന്നു പോയിരിക്കുന്നു. പ്രപഞ്ചത്തിൽ ഒരു സൂചിമുനയുടെ പോലും വലിപ്പമില്ലാത്ത സൗരയൂഥത്തിന്റെ ഏതോ കോണിലുള്ള ഭൂമിയിലെ രാജാവായി സ്വയം ചമയുകയാണവൻ. പ്രകൃതിയെ മെരുക്കുന്ന തിരക്കിൽ സ്വയം നാശം വിതയ്ക്കുന്നത് അവൻ കാണുന്നില്ല.

അനന്തമായ പ്രകൃതി ശക്തിയുടെ ഭാഗമാണ് പ്രകൃതി നിയമങ്ങൾ. ആ  നിയമങ്ങൾ സന്തുലിതാവസ്ഥക്കായി നിലകൊള്ളുന്നു. നിയമം മറികടന്നാൽ ശിക്ഷ ഉറപ്പ്. അലംഘനീയങ്ങളായ പ്രകൃതിനിയമങ്ങൾ ലംഘിക്കുന്ന ഏതു ജീവിയെയുമെന്നപോലെ മനുഷ്യനെയും പ്രകൃതി ശിക്ഷിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. രോഗങ്ങളും അനാരോഗ്യവും ആ ശിക്ഷയുടെ വകഭേദങ്ങൾ തന്നെ  ആണ്. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന് എയ്ഡ്സ്, സാർസ് കോവിഡ് പോലുള്ള രോഗങ്ങൾ എങ്ങിനെ നമ്മളിൽ എത്തി ഇതുപോലെ നാശം വിതക്കുന്നു എന്ന് ആലോചിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ? എങ്ങിനെ ഡയബെറ്റിസ് ഉം  അമിത രക്തസമ്മർദ ഹൃദയ രോഗങ്ങളും കരൾ രോഗങ്ങളും പലവിധ അർബുദ രോഗങ്ങളും പലതര മനോരോഗാവസ്ഥകളും  മറ്റും  നമ്മുടെ ഇടയിൽ ഇത്ര  സാമാന്യമായി കണ്ടുതുടങ്ങി എന്ന് ചിന്തിച്ചു നോക്കൂ.  പുറത്തുനിന്ന് പ്രകൃതിഷോഭങ്ങളും പ്രകൃതിസമ്പത്തിന്റെ അപര്യാപ്തതകളും അകത്തുനിന്നു സ്വാർത്ഥതയും അസന്തുഷ്ടിയും രോഗങ്ങളും അവന്റെ വംശനാശത്തിന് ഇടയാക്കും എന്നതിൽ ഒരു സംശയവും ഇല്ല. പനപോലെ വളർന്നാൽ നാശവും പെട്ടെന്നാവും എന്ന നാടൻ പ്രയോഗം ഓർക്കുക. നമ്മുടെ ആരോഗ്യം ആരുടെ ഉത്തരവാദിത്വം  ആണ്? സർക്കാരിന്റേയോ അതോ ആശുപത്രികളുടെയോ? നമ്മൾ എന്ത് പരിഹാരം ചെയ്തു? നിരുത്തരവാദിത്വപരമായി ഇനിയും എത്രകാലം ഇങ്ങനെ എന്ന ചോദ്യം നിങ്ങളുടെ ചിന്തക്കായി സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു!

യോഗം ആധുനികയുഗത്തിലും മിഴിവാർന്ന ഒരു  അതിപുരാതന ആശയം ആണ്. നിയമം ലംഘിക്കാതെ ജീവിക്കാനുള്ള ഒരു ഉപാധി ആണ് യോഗം. ശരിയായ തിരിച്ചറിവുകളിൽ നിന്നും സാമാന്യ ബുദ്ധിയിൽ നിന്നും ഉരുത്തിരിഞ്ഞ  ശാസ്ത്ര പിൻബലമുള്ള ഒരു ജീവിത രീതിയാണ് യോഗം. വിത്യസ്ത ചിന്താഗതി ഉള്ളവർ വത്യസ്തരീതിയിൽ ഇതിനെ സമീപിച്ചപ്പോൾ വത്യസ്തങ്ങൾ ആയ യോഗ രീതികൾ ഉണ്ടായി. എന്നാൽ അടിസ്ഥാന രീതികളും ഗുണങ്ങളും ഒന്ന് തന്നെ. തിരിച്ചറിവും ദൃഢനിശ്ചയവും ആണ് യോഗ പഠനത്തിനുള്ള ഏറ്റവും പ്രധാന ആവശ്യം. ശരിയായ ദിശയിൽ നയിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്ന,  തന്നെ സമീപിക്കുന്ന വ്യക്തികളെ ശരിയായി അപഗ്രഥിച്ചു സഹായിക്കാൻ കഴിവുള്ള ഗുരുവിനെ കണ്ടെത്തുന്നതാണ് ഏതു യോഗരീതിയും അഭ്യസിക്കാനുള്ള ആദ്യ പടി. യോഗം അവലംബിച്ചു മുന്നോട്ടുള്ള യാത്ര നമ്മളിൽ പുതിയ പുതിയ ഉൾക്കാഴ്ചകളും മാറ്റങ്ങളും സൃഷ്ടിക്കും എന്ന് ഉറപ്പ്. ഏവരിലും ഒരു ചിത്രശലഭം വിരിഞ്ഞു പറന്നുയരും!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

How to get help from an online therapist?

It is very simple to get connect online with a therapist. You can use platforms like google, zoom or WhatsApp and phone calls for follow up. You can discuss and select your choice of method to chat. And find help to get right solutions for those struggles you face in your life. A trained therapist will however charge a fee for every chat or session. All your personal and private information is safe with us, as we do not record or share any details that you disclose with us. You have a choice to remain anonymous as we do not try to trace you by any means.

Speak to us if you want to try first. You can then fix the counselling and therapy sessions

So, we are here for you, for all kinds of challenges like, child, adolescence and adult issues - like cooping with divorce, anger, anxiety, illness and hospital experiences, old age issues, family stress, finding who you are, etc. . We want you to get the best support possible. We provide various therapies like CBT, EMDR, DBT, Gestalt, T.A., NLP, Hypnotherapy, Yoga, etc. You can fix an appointment with us by contacting us over WhatsApp / the mobile number   +919446607585   and click on link     YUP Online    (at the top corner of blog page) at the scheduled time for a session on zoom meeting. Because you deserve a better, peaceful life!!! That's it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Fitness First : One month online Yoga - For JCI Zone XX Program Area ( Lessons learned)

Please Read Why and What is Yoga

 5th May 2021

05/05/2021 Today's very simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Moderate Jogging 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  2. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  3. Fingers stretch exercise 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  4. Wrist rotation, both directions 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  5. Elbow stretch 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Shoulder rotation both directions 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
                                                                 Remember to breathe 😀

 7th May 2021

07/05/2021 Today's very simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  2. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  3. Fingers stretch exercise with breathing 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  4. Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  5. Elbow stretch with breathing 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Shoulder rotation both directions + with forward and backward swimming movements 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs
  8. Janu sirasanam with both legs
  9. Simple breathing awareness with one hand (palm) on your stomach
Remember to breathe too 😀

 10th May 2021

10/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Mindfulness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization 
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  4. Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  5. Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Shoulder rotation both directions + with forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs 
  10. Janu sirasanam with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  11. Standard Plank pose for beginners
  12. Forearm Plank 
  13. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:1 ratio
Remember to breathe and be mindful too 😀

 10th May 2021

12/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Do everything with Mindfulness and breath awareness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization 
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  4. Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  5. Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Shoulder rotation both directions + with forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Padanguli naman - Toes Bending exercise with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos 2-3 rounds
  10. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos
  11. Seated ankle rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise 10-15 nos 2-3 reps
  12. Janu sirasanam with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  13. Standard Plank pose for beginners with normal breathing and mindfulness
  14. Forearm Plank with normal breathing and mindfulness
  15. Seated leg stretch - Bend knee and keep the feet, inside of the feet touching out side of thigh  outwardly near the thigh with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos both legs.  Ardha Vajrasenam
  16. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:1 ratio
Remember to breathe, visualize and be mindful too 😀
17th May 2021

17/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Do everything with Mindfulness and breath awareness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization 
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Tadasana variation - Full body stretch up finally landing on your toes and balancing - 2 sets
  4. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  5. Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Shoulder rotation both directions +  forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  10. Padanguli naman - Toes Bending exercise with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos 2-3 rounds
  11. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos
  12. Seated ankle rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise 10-15 nos 2-3 reps
  13. Janu sirasanam with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  14. Standard Plank pose for beginners with normal breathing and mindfulness
  15. Forearm Plank with normal breathing and mindfulness
  16. Seated leg stretch - Bend knee and keep the feet, inside of the feet touching out side of thigh  outwardly near the thigh with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos both legs.  Ardha Vajrasenam
  17. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:1 ratio
Remember to practice regularly, breathe, visualize and be mindful too 😀
19th May 2021

19/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Do everything with Mindfulness and breath awareness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization. Try to hold final pose of each Asana for some time with normal breathing.
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Tadasana variation - Full body stretch up finally landing on your toes and balancing - 2 sets
  4. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  5. Padahastha Asana - Hand to feet on exhalation without bending your knees - 2-3 sets
  6. Mushtika Bandhan - Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Manibandha Chakra - Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Kehuni Naman - Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  10. Skantha Chakra - Shoulder rotation both directions +  forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  11. Padanguli naman - Toes Bending exercise with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos 2-3 rounds
  12. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos
  13. Janu Chakra - Seated ankle rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise 10-15 nos 2-3 reps
  14. Janu sirasanam - with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  15. Standard Plank pose for beginners with normal breathing and mindfulness
  16. Forearm Plank with normal breathing and mindfulness
  17. Ardha Vajrasenam - Seated leg stretch - Bend knee and keep the feet, inside of the feet touching out side of thigh  outwardly near the thigh with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos both legs.  
  18. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:2 ratio
 Practice regularly, breathe, visualize and be mindful too
   Remember to hold your  pose, not your breath 😀
25th May 2021

25/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Do everything with Mindfulness and breath awareness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization. Try to hold final pose of each Asana for some time with normal breathing.
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Tadasana variation - Full body stretch up finally landing on your toes and balancing - 2 sets
  4. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  5. Mushtika Bandhan - Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Manibandha Chakra - Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Kehuni Naman - Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Skantha Chakra - Shoulder rotation both directions +  forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  10. Padanguli naman - Toes Bending exercise with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos 2-3 rounds
  11. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos
  12. Janu Chakra - Seated ankle rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise 10-15 nos 2-3 reps
  13. Janu sirasanam - with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  14. Padahastha Asana - Hand to feet on exhalation without bending your knees - 2-3 sets
  15. Ardha chakrasana - Half wheel pose. With hands supporting your back, bend backwards from waist,  combining inhalation. Maintain as much as possible and come back with exhalation. 2 rep.
  16. Standard Plank pose for beginners with normal breathing and mindfulness
  17. Forearm Plank with normal breathing and mindfulness
  18. Ardha Vajrasenam - Seated leg stretch - Bend one leg from the knee, outwardly near the thigh. Keep the  inside of the feet touching out side of same side thigh. Do with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos both legs.  
  19. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:2 ratio
  20. Sit in a comfortable pose and concentrate on breathing and inner awareness - 5 min
 Practice regularly, breathe, visualize and be mindful too
   Remember to hold your  pose, not your breath 😀
28th May 2021

28/05/2021 Today's  simple lessons - Exercises

  1. Do everything with Mindfulness and breath awareness : Do asanas with eyes closed and with visualization. Try to hold final pose of each Asana for some time with normal breathing.
  2. Moderate Jogging with hands moving up and down with breathing 2-3 sets of 1 to 2 min duration
  3. Tadasana variation - Full body stretch up finally landing on your toes and balancing - 2 sets
  4. Santhi Asana or Standing/ Seated relaxation posture between each set of every exercise
  5. Mushtika Bandhan - Fingers stretch exercise with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  6. Manibandha Chakra - Wrist rotation, both directions + clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  7. Kehuni Naman - Elbow stretch with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  8. Elbow stretch sideways (chest opening) with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  9. Skantha Chakra - Shoulder rotation both directions +  forward and backward swimming movements with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos 2-3 rep.
  10. Padanguli naman - Toes Bending exercise with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos 2-3 rounds
  11. Seated legs stretch Left and right legs with breathing and mindfulness 8-10 nos
  12. Janu Chakra - Seated ankle rotation clockwise and anti-clockwise 10-15 nos 2-3 reps
  13. Janu sirasanam - with both legs with breathing and mindfulness
  14. Padahastha Asana - Hand to feet on exhalation without bending your knees - 2-3 sets
  15. Ardha chakrasana - Half wheel pose. With hands supporting your back, bend backwards from waist,  combining inhalation. Maintain as much as possible and come back with exhalation. 2 rep.
  16. Tiryak Tadasana - Inhale and raise the interlocked hands over the head and bend sidewise with exhalation. Inhale and come back. Repeat for the opposite side. Do with mindfulness 2-3 rep.
  17. Standard Plank pose for beginners with normal breathing and mindfulness
  18. Forearm Plank with normal breathing and mindfulness
  19. Ardha Vajrasenam - Seated leg stretch - Bend one leg from the knee, outwardly near the thigh. Keep the  inside of the feet touching out side of same side thigh. Do with breathing and mindfulness 10-15 nos both legs.  
  20. Simple breathing awareness with inhalation and exhalation @ 1:2 ratio
  21. Sit in a comfortable pose and concentrate on breathing and inner awareness - 5 min
 Practice regularly, breathe, visualize and be mindful too
   Remember to practice relaxation 😀