Rajesh Panicker

Life Coach, Life skill trainer, CEO of YUP Training Solutions and SRK Trainers . Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) . Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK .

Rajesh Panicker

Wellness Coach (Founder of YogaUpasana) .

YUP Training Solutions

Yoga Therapist (Yogic science) , Certified NLP Trainer , Certified Counsellor.

Rajesh Panicker

Laughter Therapist , Hypnotist Certified from Jacquin Hypnosis Acadamy, UK

Rajesh Panicker

Worked as Yoga Coach at SCMS Kochi, Worked in pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years (since 1997).

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Sunday, March 31, 2019

JCI ZTWS ZONE XX - XXII @ Kottayam - 2017

Co-Faculty Member

This is a qualifying workshop to equip JCI members to be a Zone Trainer. The sessions of ZTWS pass confidence and values among the graduates which transform them to excel as an effective trainer

For a stress-free life (Part 2)


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Read Previous (March) tips from here or from here

April 1 - Tip NO : 30
Yoga refines the mind and creates awareness .
    • Benefits and Science of Vajrasana .
      • Vajrasana is a meditative pose . This asana is one of the best sitting posture for pranayam or dhyanam 
      • One has to conquer the pain in the legs and the unrest in the mind to master the pose and enter a meditative state.
      • Following are a few amazing benefits of Vajrasana.
        • Regular practice of this asana improves digestion and removes constipation. (Sitting in this posture reduces the blood flow in the legs and increases it in the digestive area, therefore increasing the efficiency of the digestive system)
        • In women Vajrasana help to make uterine muscles strong and reduce menstrual cramps. ( Vajrasana regulates blood circulation in the lower pelvic region).
        • Pelvic muscles too, are strengthened by this asana.
        • This asana strengthens the back muscles and prevents low back problems and sciatica.
        • Vajrasana is a steady, firm pose, and those who assume it regularly attains a very strong state of mind with regard to their power of concentration and focus. Their mind cannot be shaken easily.
      • But sitting in this pose can be quite challenging for some practitioners. They have to over come the pain in their leg muscles and unrest in their minds through regular practice .
April 2 - Tip NO : 31 
    • Slow Down Aging and Look Younger - 1 
      • We can explain the process of aging through different explanations and theories. Like any other complex machine our body also tend to deteriorate with age, time and use. The better we maintain it the more it will look new.
      • Our aging can be considered as – biological and chronological aging. Chronological aging counts the years we have been living. Biological aging shows how much our body changes compared to our past self and other people in our age group (our wear and tear).
      • The biological process (our metabolisms) is the main factor in how well and fast we age. So our ability to influence it can have far reaching impact on the quality of our life as we become older.
      • Please note, by changing simple daily routines and adding a few healthy habits, we can have more control over how we age and can even slow down our biological aging process.
      • So, lifestyle changes with a few healthy habits can help us feel and look better than  ever.
      • Yoga is a healthy way of living - it's a lifestyle .
April 3 - Tip NO : 32 
    • Slow Down Aging and Look Younger - 2 
    Why do we age biologically?
      • Aging Theory .
        • The free radical theory of aging suggest that too much of these chemicals:; ROS (Reactive Oxygen  species) can damage our cells and tissues.
        • Free radicals contain extra electrons that damage the normal molecules of cells and tissues. They in turn becomes free radicals and damage other normal cells. These damages and its symptoms are identified as aging.
        • Another theory is stress and it's effects on the hypothalamus and other glands in the body leading to imbalanced hormonal levels and damaged tissues.
        • Biological clock, pre- programmed cell death and aging process are also considered as reasons.
        • Aging is a result of many complex mechanisms. Every organism whether animal or plant has a fixed amount of Pranic energy. This life energy, surely will get used up and the organisms will die. But the rate at which this pranic energy is getting depleted can be controlled by leading a healthy lifestyle.
      • Yoga will help you feel and look better than ever .
April 4 - Tip NO : 33
    • Slow Down Aging and Look Younger - 3
      • Body's mechanism to tackle free radicle(ROS) are by the antioxidants. Body produces it's own antioxidants to take care of the inevitable production of ROS. They are endogenous antioxidants.
      • Unhealthy life-style , Stress and diseases can lead to imbalance of endogenous antioxidants and ROS. This leads to increased rate of tissue damage and aging.
      • Yoga practices can improve our body's capacity to tackle the free radicle damage and stress .
April 5 - Tip NO : 34
    • Slow Down Aging and Look Younger - 4
      • Yogic way of life with good awareness, relaxation, exercise, stress free mind and controlled diet; we can increase the production of endogenous antioxidants (like super oxide dismutase) and can improve the elimination of ROS and other harmful metabolites from the body.
      • This improves the immunity, slows down the deterioration of health and process of aging.
      • Regular practice of healthy lifestyle, as in the case of Yoga only makes it possible..
April 6 - Tip NO : 35
    • Slow Down Aging and Look Younger - 5
      • A balanced diet will contain enough vitamins minerals and other micro-nutrients which will boost the production of endogenous antioxidants . More over many of these vitamins directly act as antioxidants supporting the body's immunity (exogenous antioxidants)
      • Fruits and vegetable are rich in antioxidants(locally available ones are the best)
      • Sometimes supplements are also important in our diet.
      • But our body prefers natural, because for millions of years body had learned it that way.
April 7 - Tip NO : 36 (POSTURE NO : 5)
    • Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
      • The foundation of all standing poses, this pose  makes a great a starting position, resting pose, or tool to improve posture. There are many variations to this asana. Arms can be raised over the head or kept at the sides of the body.
      • Stand straight with your legs slightly apart and your hands hanging by the side of your body. Interlock your fingers in front of you.
      • Make your thigh muscles firm and slightly tuck the lower part of your tummy in. 
      • Look straight and focus on a point opposite to you .
      • Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms, and chest upwards.  Twist your palm as you lift your upper torso. Raise your heels, making sure your body weight is on your toes. Feel the stretch in your body right from your feet to your head.
      • Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing slowly consciously and continuously .
      • Then, exhale  bringing your heels down, and release. Slowly through practice you can increase the time. 
April 8 - Tip NO : 37
    • Tadasana (Mountain Pose or Palm tree pose)                - Tip for beginners
      • When you stretch up, as a beginner, you might find it difficult to balance in this pose. To improve your balance, focus your eyes on a fixed point opposite to you and keep your inner feet about three to five inches apart until you get comfortable in the pose.
      • Why a simple posture like tadasana is important?
        • If learned in the right way, this asana, help you to make yourself aware that at which point how much effort is required to come to that neutral position before you get into the more complicated asanas . If you understand this right, it will be easier and quicker to take on the more challenging poses.
        •  So it is important to practice it more carefully and seriously until you can maintain the final pose, stretched up on your toes with normal, steady and relaxed breathing for minimum 3 to 5 minutes .
April 9- Tip NO : 38
    • The Scientific importance of Tadasana
      • This asana is remedy for many of the problems of modern time. Most of the modern day profession involves sedentary desk job. With lac of exercise and unhealthy food habits this results in weak posture and muscle pain.
      • This asana works on your muscles which helps you to stand straight so that your posture is not only better, but also pain-free. It works to align your skeleton and bring it back to a neutral stance. When this happens, your body comes in to the start point for all the other asanas to follow.
      • Due to our excessive smartphone usage and unhealthy sitting postures at work, there is always a tight muscle or an alignment not functioning properly. Tadasana corrects them all.
      • Thus this simple pose helps strengthen the core and corrects rounded, weak backs
      • Often "good things come in small packages" 
April 10- Tip NO : 39
    • Precautions And Contraindications of Tadasana
      •  In yoga and wellness it is always advisable to have personal attention and guidance from an experienced and knowledgeable teacher.
      • Because for better results, advancement and transcendence a practitioner requires timely advice and fine turning.
      •  It's obvious from the fact that even the simplest looking Tadasana is contraindicated in certain conditions.
      • It is best to avoid this asana if you have the following problems :
        • 1. Vertigo
          2. Sleeplessness
          3. Low blood pressure
          4. Severe knee or leg pain
          5. Varicose problem
          6. Severe joint problems
Practice under proper guidance

April 11 - Tip NO : 40
    • Why do we need a guru ?

      • In our Culture, we give utmost importance and respect to the Guru. Yoga is more than just physical practice. It includes Yama & Niyama which are all about "doing good & being good". Only a guru can guide properly in this regard.
      • Our culture say Guruthwam is very important for everyone.
      • It's believed that for one to get the benefit of any knowledge or skill, he or she should have the whole hearted blessings of the Guru. Without that blessing, he /she may possess the skill, but will not be able to use it effectively when needed. 
      • Practice under proper guidance.
April 12 - Tip NO : 41
    • Why do we need a guru in yoga?

      • With due respect to all teachers, Guru is more than a mere teacher. He is a Teacher, Friend, Philosopher and Guide, who passes on knowledge accumulated over generations to the student.
      • Today there are hardly any Gurus, not even good Teachers, they only impart Information, they lack the dedication, the tapasya and the knowledge required of a Guru.
      • Many times this is reflected in the quality and mindset of Students these days. They have no respect for anyone. Modern generation do not care about the values we had and also failed to establish new values for our future existence.
      • In yoga for physical, emotional and spiritual growth and transcendence we need a guru
      • So it's very important for a serious practitioner of yoga to find a proper Guru .
April 13 -  Tip NO : 42
    • Physical activity and exercise

      • Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

        Fitness is not about being better than someone else.

        People used to ask, as they are physically active do they need exercise.
      • Physical activity and exercise both are beneficial, but not the same.
      • Physical activity is any body movement that is carried out by the skeletal muscles that results in the expenditure of energy. In other words, any movement one does is actually physical activity.
      • Exercise is planned, structured, repetitive and intentional movement intended to improve or maintain physical fitness. Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity.
      • Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging. But to help you keep fit include both exercise and physical activity into your daily life in a balanced way .
      • Because anything in too much is harmful 
      • Yes, you need to be physically active, but at the same time need exercise too .
April 14 - Tip NO : 43 (POSTURE NO : 6)
    • Padahastasana (Hand to toe pose or Head to knee pose)

  • Padahastasana  is a standing forward fold and one of the basic postures in yoga.
    • This is a slightly difficult pose and needs regular practice. It is not advised to practice this asana if you are suffering from health problems like, slip disc, ulcers, cardiac issues, or hypertension
    • Follow these steps carefully for performing the Hand to Foot Pose:

        • Step 1: First of all, stand straight on the yoga mat, both hands loose at the sides.
        • Step 2: Now, slowly  lift your hands straight up above the head
        • Step 3: Exhale and push your buttocks back while bending forward slowly at the waist. Keep your back and upper torso as straight as possible.  Keep bending until your hands touch the ground by the either side  of your feet. Advanced practitioners make sure that your chin touches your knees properly in the final pose.
        • Step 4: Once you are comfortably bent, try to breath normally and maintain the pose for a few seconds to  few minutes
        • Step 5: Now gradually inhale, take your hands off the ground and slowly come back to tadasana by unbending from the hips. Re-lengthen your front torso.
April 15 - Tip NO : 44
    • Beginners tips & What You Should Know Before You Do Padahastasana
      • Make sure to keep your stomach and bowels empty before you practice this asana.
      • This pose need lot of energy and flexibility. 
      • You should warm up properly by doing other basic postures before going into serious asanas like Padahastasana 
      • As a beginner, it might be hard to increase the stretch. 
      • Bend forward and try to catch your big toes. 
      • To make it easier, when you start practicing for the first time, gently bend your knees. Catch hold of your big toes, then slowly try to straighten your knees. 
      • As you feel the resistance, push the top part of your thighs back and press your heels down. 
      • But be sure you don't lock your knees when you straighten them. 
      • Feel the stretch at the back of your legs and your lower back. 
      • Hold your position for a comfortable duration. 
      • Then release and come back to tadasana ; the standing pose.
April 16 - Tip NO : 45
    • Understand the Scientific aspects of Padahastasana
      • Regularly stretching and moving the muscles and joints in our body is very important to maintain it's tonicity and the range of movement.This is the asana to give you maximum stretch to the entire back of your body. It covers every part from the soles of the feet right up to the top of your head. As you go into this asana, you stretch the entire muscles and the connective tissues of your back.
      • Even though you might not realize it, this is a tough job for your body. You burn lot of energy if you maintain your final posture for sometime. Before you get into this pose always you must prepare for it, by doing proper warm up exercise.
      •  It's not important to reach the toes but to stretch the entire back nicely. You must use your commonsense to tap the benefits and fine-tune your pose. Every day and every stretch is a different experience. These various experiences make the stretch enjoyable.
      • So, what's your story? Find out!
April 17 - Tip NO : 46
    • The Benefits Of Padahasthasana
There are many amazing benefits for Padahasthasana . Few are...
      • A) Maintaining Padahasthasana helps to quieten the mind as it calms your mind and relieves stress.
        B) The thighs and knees become strong.
        C) This asana stretch and tone your back, hips, calves, and hamstrings.
        D) This forward bend gives your digestive organs a good massage, thereby improving digestion.
        E) Visceral organs like kidneys and liver are activated.
        F) It helps relieve headache and insomnia.
        G) Reduce menstrual problems and disturbance associated with menopause
        H) This asana helps to cure osteoporosis infertility, high BP, asthma and sinusitis.
    • Contraindications And Precautions
      • These are some points of caution you must keep in mind before you do this asana.
      • If you have a minor back injury, do this asana keeping your knees bent. You can also do the ArdhaPadahasthasanaby placing your hands on your knees (or on a wall, such that they are parallel to the floor). As you move in to this asana make sure that there is no back pain and your legs are perpendicular to your torso in the final pose.
    • Avoid this if you have the following problems:
      • a. A low back injury and pain.
        b. Sciatica
        c. A tear in the hamstrings
        d. Problems of Disc prolapse
        d. Glaucoma
        e. Uncontrolled BP
    • Our body is progressively deteriorating.
      Try it before it's too late !
April 18 - Tip NO : 47
    • How to look beautiful and handsome - 1
Beauty is something every one wants to achieve, but many have no clue how to !
      • Even with a good appearance some people don't think that they are beautiful. There it is a problem of accepting oneself. One of the ugliest thing is someone who is completely obsessed with one's own beauty. Here also you have to strike a balance.
      • Beauty is ultimately subjective.There is so much hustle about how to look more beautiful/ handsome. Most important is that you should become beautiful both inside and outside, radiating good vibes. With good self-esteem you will be healthier and happier which automatically will make you very attractive. Understanding yourself; body, mind and soul, will improve your confidence and self-respect.
      • You can keep a good physique by doing exercise. Catch yourself; when you think negative about yourself & others, and counter it with positive thoughts. Just think about your strengths, achievements and the things you like about yourself.
      • Yogic science can definitely help practitioners look beautiful from inside out.
      • You are the most important tool .
April 19 - Tip NO : 48
    • How to look beautiful and handsome - 2
    • If you have to keep yourself healthy you should listen to your body.
      • Drink when you're thirsty, and eat when you're hungry.
      • You should stop following the clock for setting your eating habits. It may take a while to learn to read your body's signals if you've previously ignored them, but once you do, you'll find it easier to stick to a healthy diet and maybe even lose some weight.
      • If you eat or drink something that makes you unwell, or makes you feel bad, keep note of it and try to avoid it in the future.
      • Pay attention to what foods and drinks make you feel well. Having a clean diet with plenty of water and nutrients should help you feel healthier and happier.
Remember when you're healthier and happier, you will also feel more beautiful.
Learn to listen to your body. You are your best judge. Observe yourself.

April 20 - Tip NO : 49
    • Drink enough water to keep yourself healthy
                      Drinking enough water can help you stay more focused and energetic.
                      How Much Water Is Best?
      • No one can tell you exactly how much water you need. This depends on the individual (his/her internal and external environment and lifestyle).
      • Dehydration, though mild, can have negative effects on both your physical and mental performance.
      • Most people don't need to consciously think about their water intake, as the thirst mechanism in the brain is very effective. However, certain circumstances do call for increased attention to water intake.
      • Try to see what works best for you. Remember, some people may function better with more water than usual, while for others it only results in more frequent visit to the bathroom.
      • Drinking water can cause mild, temporary increases in metabolism, and drinking it about a half hour before each meal can make you automatically eat fewer calories. Both of these effects contribute to weight loss.
      • Let's keep it simple..
        When you're thirsty, drink. When you're not thirsty anymore, stop.
        When you lose more (excretion, heat and exercise), make sure to drink enough to compensate for the lost fluids.
      • Listen to your body. Trust your thirst.
That's it!
April 21 - Tip NO : 50 (POSTURE NO : 7)
    • Ardhachakrasana ( Half wheel pose).
This asana is considered to be the opposite posture ( viparithaasana ) of padahasthasana . Every asana should be followed by its viparithasana for reaping maximum benefits from the practice. 
It is recommended that backbends be practiced gently, only moving deeper as the body and mind are ready.
      • Start by standing in tadasana hands by the side of your body . Keep your feet at a comfortable distance apart.
      • Now half inhale and support your low back with both your hands, palm upwards, with fingers close together. Try to keep your elbows close to each other, strong enough and in position to support your back. 
      • Now full inhale and bend backwards slowly and comfortably. Try to bend your neck backwards to look at the floor slowly and to the extent possible for you.  
      • Maintain the pose for a few seconds to a couple of minutes, with normal breathing.  Finally come back to starting posture with exhalation. 

April 22 - Tip NO : 51
    • The Scientific facts Behind Ardha chakrasana
Flexibility of body is as important as the strength, one should possess.
      • This asana, even though considered a basic one, is slightly challenging. But if done correctly and regularly, it can, not only make you flexible and stronger physically, but also more compassionate, fearless, and happy.
      • This chest opening posture is good for improving the lung capacity and effectiveness of breathing. So it also enhances the vital force or prana around the heart and heart plexus.
      • This helps you to become more aware of things and also builds the courage to overcome challenges of life without any hesitation.
      • The flexibility of your body has some relationship with the flexibility of your mind.
April 23 - Tip NO : 52
    • Ardha Chakrasana (The Half Wheel Pose) should not be practiced by
      • People suffering from spinal, hip and neck injury
      • Ulcer and Hernia patients
      • Pregnant women
      • People with High blood pressure
    • Few Important Benefits of Half Wheel Pose
      • Strengthens muscles of Back and core
      • The front body stretch releases the muscles of the chest and abdomen results in the opening of lungs leading to better lung capacity.
      •  The release of abdominal muscles tones the abdominal organs resulting in proper assimilation and elimination.
      • Stretch and release makes the spine supple which gets hardened by muscles getting stiff because of prolonged sitting.
      • Good for Postural Defects as it improves poor posture by strengthening your back
      • The back bending of the upper body acts as a counteraction to the constant slouching.
      • Helps to get rid of unwanted fat from stomach and thighs.
      • Improves Blood Circulation in the spinal area and joints
      • Reduces Menstrual Discomfort
    • Practice the pose with dedication to reap the rewards
April 24 - Tip NO : 53 
    • Fall asleep feel at ease - How much important is our sleep? 
    • Sleep - 1
      • Sleep is one of the basic key stones or pillars which directly affects our mental and physical health and the quality of our waking life. While we are asleep, our body works to repair and rejuvenate the tissues. It is a major method of our body to rest and relax.
      • It plays an equally important role as that of diet when it comes to maintaining health and balance in the body. But, quite often, we spend sleepless nights leading to sleep imbalance in our body.
      • Fall short and it can take a serious toll on our daytime energy, productivity, capability to manage emotions, and even our weight.
      • There is solution. Making some simple yet important changes to our daytime activities and bedtime habits can influence how well we sleep. Adequate sleep can leave us feeling mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long.
April 25 - Tip NO : 54
    • Bedtime rituals to help you relax and sleep
    • Sleep - 2
Identity a "toolbox" of unwinding, bedtime relaxation rituals to help you unwind before sleep. examples:
      • Reading a book or magazine makes people sleep. Read it in soft light.
      • Take a warm bath half an hour before you go to bed.
      • Play a soft music/ an audio book in the bedroom.
      • Few hours before you go to bed do some easy stretches.
      • Relax and unwind with your favourite hobby.
      • Make simple preparations for the next day.
      • Dim the light in bedroom as you go into your bed.
April 26 - Tip NO : 55
    • Relaxation techniques for better sleep
    • Sleep - 3
You have to find ways to wind down, calm the mind and relax to prepare for sleep. Practicing relaxation techniques like Santi asana  (please refer posture no. 2) before bed is a great method.

Also please try:
      • Deep breathing - Calm your mind, close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths, making each breath feeling even deeper than the last.
      • Progressive muscle relaxation - Starting with your toes, tense all the muscles as tightly as you can, then completely relax. Work your way, part by part, up to the top of your head.
      • Visualization - Close your eyes and imagine a place like a garden or a lonely sea shore that's calming and peaceful. Concentrate on how relaxed this place makes you feel. And fall asleep . 
April 27 - Tip NO : 56
    • Learn ways to get back to sleep
    • Sleep - 4
Yes, What if the problem faced by you is not falling asleep, but after waking up at the middle of your sleep, and not falling back asleep.

These tips may help you to return to deep sleep:
It's normal to wake briefly during the night.

      • Keep it out of your head - Sometimes it is not easy, but try not to stress over your inability to fall asleep again. Stress will trigger your body to stay awake.
      • Understand that your goal is relaxation, not sleep .
        If you find it hard to fall back asleep, try a relaxation technique such as visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, or santi asana  .
      • Do a quiet, non-stimulating activity .
        If you've been awake for more than 15 minutes, get out of bed and do a quiet, non-stimulating activity.
      • Postpone worrying and brainstorming .
        At the middle of your sleep, if a problem awakes you, stop thinking about solutions or some new ideas to overcome it . 
April 28 - Tip NO : 57 (POSTURE NO : 8)
    • Udhitha Trikonasa ( Extended Triangle pose)

This is a standing posture.
    • How to do this asana step by step
      • Stand facing the long side of your mat with your feet about one-leg distance apart. Turn your right foot so the outer edge of your foot is parallel with the long edge of your mat . Align your heels on the same line.
      • Inhale and reach your arms up at the height of your shoulders, in line with your legs. Tuck your lower tummy in. Exhale and bend from your right hip. Reach your right waist long over your right leg, as you bring your right arm down, placing your hand either on the right leg, or on the floor behind right foot.
      • Point the left arm straight up to the ceiling, hand in line with your shoulder, palm facing forward. Elongate the left side of the upper body. Keep your neck in line with your spine. Look straight ahead, or tuck the chin slightly and turn to look up towards your left hand.
      • Keep your face relaxed and breath gently as you keep pressing through the feet and rotating your ribcage.  Press your right hand on the floor as you reach your left arm up and revolve your gaze up towards your left hand. Maintain the posture for few minutes.
      • To come back inhale and strengthen your back foot to rise up gently.  Press your right foot further on to the floor and come back to standing straight. Bring your both hands parallel to the ground at shoulder level, as you breath in and come up.
Repeat on the other side .

April 29 - Tip NO : 58
    • Beginner's Tip for doing Uthitha trikonasana
      • Practice against a wall.
      • Support your back heel or the back of your torso against a wall if you feel unsteady in the pose.
      • Try to deepen the stretch gradually, instead of going for maximum all of a sudden.
      • Do Tadasana & vrikshasana before doing this posture.
    • Contraindications and precautions :
      • Diarrhea
        Migraine & Headache
        Low BP
        Heart problems
      • Those with neck problems can avoid looking up at the palm of the raised hand. Turn the head to gaze downward or look straight ahead in the final pose.
April 30 - Tip NO : 59
Understanding the difficulty level of this pose, you should achieve a good degree of proficiency over all the basic asanas before start practicing Extended Triangle pose. In order to avoid back injury, make sure that you do a few basic asanas before doing this pose. It's very important that you practice on an empty stomach.
    • Benefits of Uthitha Trikonasana
      • Activates the visceral organs. 
      • Helps relieve physical stress. 
      • Stretches and strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankle joints 
      • Stretches the hips, groins, hamstrings, and calves; shoulders, chest, and spine
      • Improves digestion 
      • Relieves backache,neck pain, osteoporosis and sciatica 
      • Helps relieve the problems of menopause .

From May 1st (Tip NO : 60) onwards , Click here

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)

  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)  
Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 29 .

    How To Do It?
    • Sit on the floor as in dandasana, legs stretched in front of you. Make sure that your buttocks are resting on the floor. Now fold your legs from the knee outwardly and bring it near to either side of your thighs. Rest the upper side of the stretched feet on the floor on either side of you near the buttocks, as shown in the pic. 
    Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
      • Beginners can kneel on the floor and slowly and gently lower your body such that your buttocks are resting on your heels and your thighs are on your calf muscles.
      •  Keep hands on your knees, and sit with your head and back straight.
      • Close your eyes to focus on your breathing and to calm your mind. Try to sit as long as comfortable & increase the time
    • Precautions and contraindications .
      • It is best to avoid this asana if you have a spinal / knee problem or have undergone a knee surgery recently.
      • Those suffering from any ailments should practice this pose under the guidance of a yoga coach.
    • Read more from here
    • Read more Articles from here

    Dandasana (Staff Pose)

    • Dandasana  (Staff Pose) 
    Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 22 .

        • It is a seated asana It might look very simple, but there's more to Staff Pose than it seems to be.  
        • Starting posture is a seated position with the legs extended forward. The palms can be rested on your thighs and then on the floor by the either side of your body. The upper-body should be straight and the back should be completely perpendicular to the ground (as though sitting against a wall). Keep the legs straight and back of your legs close to the ground.
        • If your upper body is leaning back, it may be because of tight hamstrings. Try to relax and sit straight.   
        • Imagine your spine as the "staff". Close your eyes and observe.. Breath slowly and consciously.  
        • Hold the pose for one minute or longer.
        • Read more from here
    Dandasana ( Staff Pose)

    Read more Articles from here

    Shanthi Asana (Supine Relaxation pose)

    • Shanthi Asana (Supine Relaxation pose)
    Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 15 .

      • In this asana the entire body gets relaxed in such a way that even one forgets the body itself. The mind also experiences a rest with awareness. So it is good for both physical and mental relaxation. 
      • With regular and long practice, the (relaxation) will be easier,  faster and will  become deeper and deeper. (then you will feel  it is very natural and spontaneous)
        • Lie on your back on the ground with hands and feet a little apart. Gently close your eyes. Slightly stretch the body and allow the whole body to relax completely . Become aware of different parts of the body gradually relaxing, starting from toes to head  
        • Slowly inhale and let your abdomen relax and bulge Then slowly exhale allowing your abdomen sink inside. 
        • Keep your breath awareness  Continue for at least 10 breathing and this can also be extended up to 10 minutes or more as per the need or time availability.
        • Read more from here
    Shanthi Asana

    Read more Articles from here

    Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

    • Sukhasana (Easy Pose) 
    Taken from For a stress-free life (Part 1) , Tip NO : 8 .
      • Come into a seated position with hips on the floor. Criss-Cross the legs at the shins. Place the hands on the knees, fingers together or in chin mudra as shown in the picture. Lengthen the body from the crown of the head to the pelvis. Draw the shoulders back and lift the chest. Relax the face and breathe. Sit comfortably, as long as possible . 
      • The sitting yoga postures work greatly on building stamina, toning the abdominal organs, massaging the internal tracts, and relieving backaches .
      • Practice it every day .  
      • Read more from here

    Read more Articles from here

    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    JCI ZTWS ZONE XX - XXII @ Cherai, Ernakulam 2018

    Co-Faculty Member
    This is a qualifying workshop to equip JCI members to be a Zone Trainer. The sessions of ZTWS pass confidence and values among the graduates which transform them to excel as an effective trainer

    Friday, March 29, 2019

    Yoga for Asthma & COPD @ Samaritan Hospital DEC 2017

    Yoga therapy for children with asthma
    Organized by Samaritan Hospital - Pazhanganad

    Thursday, March 28, 2019

    Wellness Training Session @ Gov Hospital APR 2017


    Relationship Management Session for KMRL Employees 2017

    2 days Training Session With MINDS HRD Palai